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American Fuzzy Lop Breed – todocat Blog

General information:

The history of the American Fuzzy Lop rabbits is interconnected with the history of the Holland Lop breed. When it first appeared, the Holland Lop rabbit was only available in full color, which prompted breeders to want to add some rhythm breaks to the color pattern. To do this, they crossed the Holland Lop breed with the English Spotted breed. While they managed to add color breaks to the rabbit pattern, they failed to keep the fluffy fur on the back of the Holland rabbit. The rabbits obtained from this cross had the fur on their backs similar to that of the English Spotted Rabbit. This was followed by a cross between Holland Lop and the French Angora rabbit, a breed with a very fine, elegant fur on its back. The results of these crosses led to the introduction of the wool coat gene into the genetics of the Holland Lop rabbit breed. From then on, Holland Lop’s offspring would occasionally have a long, woolly fur rabbit. The pioneers of the American Fuzzy Lop breed were Patty Greene-Karl and Gary Fellers, as well as Kim Landry and Margaret Miller who realized the market potential that Fuzzy Holland rabbits can have. Patty Greene-Karl was the one who realized that the gene that produces the “fuzzy” appearance is a recessive gene, which meant that if they were

Name: Fuzzy Lop American

Origin: America

group: Small / semi-arched rabbits

Weight: Between 1.2 and 2.2 kg

Average life expectancy: up to 5-10 years

Color: There are 19 varieties of accepted colors, divided into five large groups, of which agouti (hazelnut brown, chinchilla, lynx, opaque), spotted white group, solid color group (black, blue, chocolate, lilac). The colors Siamese are also tender, pearly.

Temperament: Both females and males are very friendly, which makes them excellent pets, although females can generally be more shy and scared.

Race status: The American Fuzzy Lop rabbit breed is a breed that has no risk of extinction, but on the contrary, is growing in popularity around the world.

Distinctive features: Their ears are bent, and they should only be raised when they are stressed.

paired two rabbits carrying these genes, the result should be woolly fur offspring in at least a quarter of the cases. Patty decided to develop these rabbits into a new breed, which she named the American Fuzzy Lop breed. After four years of working to develop the breed, he introduced rabbits to ARBA, and in 1985 they were presented in a general context, specifically at the ARBA Convention in Houston, Texas. Three separate varieties of woolly with hanging ears were then presented by three different breeders, but only the American Fuzzy Lop variety presented by Patty received a grant to continue development. In 1986, at the ARBA Convention in Columbus, Ohio, the American Fuzzy Lop breed was introduced for the second time, passing the tests this time as well. At the Third Congress in Portland, Oregon, in 1987, the ARBA committee no longer approved the breed standard. They justified this decision by saying that there is no uniformity from one copy to another. At Patty’s request, Jeff Hardin wrote a new working standard for the breed, which was eventually accepted by the ARBA commission. In 1988, ARBA requested that only Patty introduce the new standard at the Madison, Winsconsin Convention because of the limited space. That year the American Fuzzy Lop breed had to pass the tests, otherwise Patty would have had to resume her work. Fortunately, Patty’s presentation was approved by the Madison Convention Commission, which meant that the American Fuzzy Lop breed was finally recognized as a new breed. In 1989, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the Helie McKie rabbit was selected to be the best breed. Herbie’s picture became a standard of perfection from 1991 to 1995.

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Physical description:

Race of American Fuzzy Lop rabbits contains rabbits with a fairly short and compact body, with fairly well-developed shoulders and hips. He must have well-developed muscles, without sharp parts of the body, maintaining a good proportion between the body elements and his weight. The rabbit must also have strong bones and thick legs. The ideal head has an ideal length from the top of the head to the muzzle. The head should have a square shape, and the flattened face is a sign of strong bones, which makes it ideal. In general, this rabbit does not have a neck, the head continuing directly into its body. Also in the head area, distinct for this breed is the fur crown. Her ears are short, thick and quite wide. Their ears are bent, and they should only be raised when they are stressed. Long fur should not be found on the ears. Her legs are straight. You can see this when the rabbit is sitting on its back. When you look at his legs, they should be straight, with the tips pointing toward his snout. Outward-facing toes are not supported. The fur should be fairly rough, thick and evenly distributed over the entire surface of the body except the ears. When they are small, rabbits have a softer fur.


Rabbits of the American Fuzzy Lop rabbit breed usually have very charming personalities and like most rabbit breeds, they like to be hugged and petted. They are excellent rabbits for their presentation in competitions. Very furry and with a sweet expression on their face, the rabbits of the American Fuzzy Lop breed are very affectionate and loving. This rabbit is ideal for first time rabbits. Both females and males are very friendly, which makes them excellent pets, although females can generally be more shy and scared. Females may also become nervous when they hear loud noises or fast movements. American Fuzzy Lop rabbits are active, playful and very social. Due to their well-developed social capacity, this American Fuzzy Lop rabbit breed gets along very well with other animals such as cats, dogs and guinea pigs. It would be best to keep them in pairs or even three rabbits, but never more in the same cage. When they are kept in the same cage, there is a risk of injury as a result of occasional fights or disputes. Rabbits like to have lots of toys, whether it’s plastic balls, pieces of soft wood, socks or gloves. There are rabbits that they like to play with all the time. The activity level of these rabbits increases during the sunrise and sunset. Because rabbits are generally very fast-moving animals with a fragile psyche, they are not recommended as pets for children who have not been able to understand this.

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Food and cage

Like other rabbits and American Fuzzy Lop rabbit breed they have a very delicate stomach. The main ingredient in their diet is hay, preferably fatter, richer fiber. Such hay will prevent rabbit diarrhea and obesity. The food should not contain corn, nuts or potatoes. Every day food should be fresh and high in fiber and low in protein. It is not advisable to feed your rabbit too much food. As for vegetables, you can feed them salad, broccoli, cabbage or spinach. You should not feed them beans, onions or other seeds such as wheat. Fruits can only be served as a meal occasionally because they are too high in sugar. Your rabbit is not a human, which is why it is not able to process food like chocolate or chips. They must always have fresh water in a bowl. American Fuzzy Lop rabbits it is best suited inside the house, which protects it from extreme temperatures, various predators and other dangers outside. It is advisable to let them walk and exercise, preferably in places where they can enjoy the fresh air and the sun’s rays. When they are outside, stretch cages, fenced areas are recommended, just to give them more protection. If it is kept in a cage, it should be at least five times the size of the rabbit’s body and allow it to stand relaxed. It is not advisable for the floor of the cage to be made of wire because the rabbit could catch its legs in the wire mesh. The rabbit should have only one place to hide when he wants to sleep peacefully. It’s a good idea to take toys and have fun with them. Rabbits can be taught to do their homework in a special place.

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American Fuzzy Lop rabbits requires a daily brushing to remove excess fur and to prevent hair tangles for rabbits with shorter fur, while those with longer fur require a brushing twice a day. Rabbits usually take care of each other, which is why it is advisable to have at least two specimens. When they take care of each other, the rabbits lick their ears, nose, tip of their head and around their eyes. These rabbits have drooping ears, which makes them more prone to ear infections. If you smell bad or have wax in your ears, you should consult a veterinarian.

Purpose and status of the breed:

The American Fuzzy Lop rabbit breed is a breed that has no risk of extinction, but on the contrary, is growing in popularity around the world. It is increasingly used as a pet, being appreciated by young people around the world.

Health problems:

Like other small animals, and the American Fuzzy Lop rabbit may be prone to colds and viral infections. Exposure to dust, sudden changes in temperature, and low ability to withstand stress can predispose you to various diseases. These include:

– conjunctivitis is a bacterial infection of the eyelids caused by smoke and dust;

– ear problems;

– coccidiosis is an intestinal problem, a parasite caused by poor hygiene;

– bloating and obstruction of the airways due to hairballs.