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How do dogs communicate and how can we respond to them? – todocat

Dogs communicate with us all the time, and we answer them every time, whether we are aware of it or not.

Like us, dogs are social animals, which means that the need for communication will be a basic feature.

Even if, perhaps, as a first instinct we correlate communication with speech, we most often do it nonverbally through body language. The dogs do the same, except that in their case a tail and a four-pedal position are added.

How can I communicate with my dog?

For good communication with the dog it is very important to understand how they do it with us.

Dogs will pick up the same nonverbal cues they give us.

A dog will easily pick up hand movements, eye movements and nods as signs of communication.

In order to continuously improve the flow of communication, it is ideal to try to give the dog a command to associate with a movement. Through “trial and error “We can find out which order the dog takes the best.

  • tone voice and word inflections are important things in communicating with our dog.
  • Direct speech is another good way to communicate. This method will actually be based on prosody and inflections. Basically from the tone of voice with which, subconsciously, we will say certain words, the dog can understand if it is a positive or negative thing, if it is scolded or praised, etc.
  • Talking “like babies it is another instinct that most of us have in approaching puppies. This mode is very beneficial, especially if the puppy is a puppy. As in the case of a baby, it helps them to get used to certain words and linguistic tones. This way consists in exaggerating the speech, emphasizing the vowels making them sound clearer and adapting the tone to a higher note.
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Dogs use approx 19 different signals in communicating with us, in the same way that babies do it to communicate with their parents.

In order to understand a signal correctly, it is very important to integrate it with the rest posture And with circumstance in which it takes place.

It is recommended that we always consider the situations and context, trying to focus on whole body language.

  • What does it mean when the dog’s helmet?

It can be both a positive and a negative gesture, depending on the context.

The dogs will yawn then when they are stressed but even then when I can anticipate something funny.

When a dog walks next to other dogs while playing, they usually say “Lighten up”.

Regardless of the context, when we see our dog falling, it is good to react with a gesture that will make him happy.

  • What does it mean when Does the dog bark?

We all know that sometimes barking is not the most pleasant sound in the world but it is the main sound signal through which dogs make their presence felt and through which they usually get everything they want from their owners. Although it may have many interpretations, one thing is certain – The dog is trying to talk to us!

If the dog initially tried to communicate something patiently to us, through non-verbal language and did not reach any results, barking may become the next step to get our attention.

Sometimes the dog can bark because needs outside or, even if it’s not the best reason at 3 in the morning, favorite toy got stuck under the closet.

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In all these situations, he has a good reason to get our attention.

However, there are also different types of barking such as alert barking, fear barking, threatening barking, etc.

All these types differ in intensity and sound.

Other types of dog sounds include:

  • Scheunatul is one of the sounds the dog makes discomfort, pain, The acute need (hunger, cold, thirst), or otherwise show a certain kind of friendly subordination (generally in the context in which he will take a back position with his abdomen in sight)
  • growling it is known as a form of threat, a signal by which dogs transmit their hostile intentions.
  • howling – Popular belief says that when a dog howls at the full moon, it is a sign that someone is going to pass away. However, howling has a social role and a call for the pack to hunt. In general, the howling is initiated by the alpha male of the pack.
  • What does it mean when the dog tilts his head one side?

In general, dogs bend their heads to one side to listen carefully. It’s basically an instinctive way to recalibrate their hearing to the new sound they’re exposed to.

Types of non-verbal language:

It is probably the easiest and most well-known method of communication for a dog. However, it is not always a correctly interpreted language.

When the dog curls its tail, it generally shows that it is relaxed, confident but it can also look dominant.

Tail in right position, rigid means that follow or hunt something closely.

Pigtail hold down, “Between the legs” to miss fear or submissiveness.

Ears held in the right position shows that he is intrigued by what follows, respectively He’s focusing, carefully following the evolution of a fact. The straighter they are, the greater the dog’s interest.

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ears “Fallen” I am an sign of submissiveness, while the ears data on the back to miss discomfort and unhappiness.

Slow blinking to miss pleasure, usually occurs when they receive a caress that they particularly like or a scratching behind the ear.

When we can see “White eyes” means I’m in a alert and need space. It is good that in this case we offer them the space, leaving them alone or actually moving away without paying attention to them.

A dog that does not blink with a static look, may be a sign of aggressivity. Not to be confused with intense gaze, which is often a way we are required to pay attention.

  • language olfactory (chemical)

Through the olfactory senses, dogs transmit and receive a lot of information. Although considered by humans to be generally unpleasant, the sources of olfactory communication are vaginal secretions, anal glands, feces and saliva.

Of these, urine is the strongest olfactory stimulant that transmits a varied and important amount of information. Thus, from the smell of urine, the dog can find out the sex of the other dog, if it is neutered or if it is in heat. He receives about the same information when he sniffs the feces and secretions of the anal glands, which practically play the role of a bulletin for each dog.