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Can dogs eat rice?

This question, can dog eat rice? has been asked by so many pet lovers and today, we will go through some facts you should know. Although, there are exceptions to this rule. For example, brown or white rice is generally considered to be healthy for dogs. However, cooked rice has the potential to cause abdominal pain because it expands in their stomachs.

The general rule is that if you want your pup to eat rice, make sure to cook it until it’s dry and remove all of the water after cooking.”But don’t rush to a conclusion yet, there are few things you should know, which will answer the question can dogs eat rice.

It is best to avoid giving your dog rice. It’s one of those things that are fine in moderation, but ignore the rules and it can be a problem. Rice contains a high amount of carbohydrates which makes it a sweet temptation for dogs who are already prone to chowing down on shoes, sofas, and anything else they can get their paws on.


Many people believe that since rice is made from starch there’s no harm in feeding them some as long as you keep an eye out for excessive weight loss or diarrhea. This is not the case. Rice contains enough sugar that your dog could develop diabetes within a matter of weeks.

Rice also contains minerals that are harmful to dogs, including the mineral arsenic. While arsenic isn’t poisonous for humans, it can do some damage to your dog. Symptoms of arsenic poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, and paralysis.

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Here at Todocat, we deal with a lot of questions about whether or not dogs can eat things like rice. White rice is not dangerous for dogs to eat, but it can cause some indigestion issues. Brown rice, on the other hand, is closer to whole grain. Grains are not recommended for dogs.

Are Dogs Supposed to Eat Rice? (Can dogs eat rice)

Technically speaking, white rice is edible for pups. Dogs can eat it with no problems (assuming that they don’t have any allergies). However, the reason that it’s often not recommended for them is that white rice contains very little nutritional value and can cause digestive issues like diarrhea and vomiting in some cases.

Additionally, it’s easy to over-eat rice while also under-eating healthy dog foods like meat and vegetables. This can cause nutritional deficiencies that can negatively impact your dog’s health.


White Rice Benefits

If your pup does enjoy the taste of white rice, there is no reason to stop them from eating it. White rice has no cholesterol or saturated fats, so it doesn’t have any negative effects on their bodies. However, you should be aware that white rice is relatively low in vitamins and minerals.

It can also cause digestion issues when eaten in large quantities or when over-fed by too many treats at once. That being said, if your pup does have a high tolerance for white rice and they’re not experiencing any problems with it in their diet, feel free to keep feeding them white rice. It’s far better for them than it is for you, after all.

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Brown Rice Benefits

Brown rice is a whole grain product. Whole grains are much healthier for your dog than refined grains like white rice. It can provide your pup with a little bit of extra fiber, which can help keep their digestion running smoothly and prevent constipation issues. Also, brown rice also contains a few different vitamins and minerals than white rice doesn’t have, so it’s a healthier choice for pups.

Brown Rice Drawbacks

That being said, brown rice does have some drawbacks that you’ll want to be aware of if you’re going to feed it to your pup. For starters, brown rice contains gluten. This means that it doesn’t actually do your dog much good. They can eat it in small amounts, but their bodies aren’t very good at breaking down gluten (meaning they can get stomach issues, like bloating and diarrhea). The best way to avoid these issues is to only feed brown rice in small amounts to your dog.

Brown rice can also cause stomach upset in some dogs when they eat too much of it. It’s also better for cocker spaniels than other breeds, since they’re prone to having over-active digestive systems. If you’re not sure which type of dog you have or if your puppy is overweight, then stick with white rice instead of brown rice just to be safe.

As if that’s not enough reason to never feed your dog rice or rice-based products, longtime veterinarians have discovered that grains make up an enormous amount of dental plaque. The sugars in grains attract bacterial growth extremely quickly, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease if left unchecked for any length of time.

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What’s worse now that the American Veterinary Association agrees that dogs shouldn’t be fed rice at all now they don’t even recommend it as a treat:

“The American Veterinary Medical Association Council on Feline and Canine Nutrition recommends avoiding feeding grains and carbohydrate-rich foods. Such as rice and bread, to dogs because of the high caloric content and rapid rise in blood sugar they can cause. Whereas carbohydrates can help maintain a healthy weight, excess calories can lead to obesity.”

So in conclusion, dogs are supposed to be chow down on dog kibble, dog treats, and other nutritious dog foods. Rice is bound to lead to obesity in many cases if not all. So please never ever feed rice to your dogs ever again because it can be very dangerous.

You’ve been warned. does not recommend giving your dog any grain, including rice.