
Need to speak with a Vet Doctor?

2023 could bring up to 900 euros into the pockets of dog and cat owners


New arrivals for dog and cat owners.

© Zapylaiev Kostiantyn / Shutterstock


Grace Fontana

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The new Meloni government must submit a maneuver to be approved until the end of the year. The goal is to understand how i funds Italians will be spent in the 2023.

And in this new year obviously the four-legged friends and the deputy could not be forgotten Michele Vittoria Brambillapresident of the Leida (Italian League for Animal Defense and the Environment), presented his project.

Up to 900 euros for dog and cat owners

The amendment brought forward by Brambilla proposes to give 150 euros per year per pet owned (up to a maximum of 3) for a total of 450 euros per year. The bonus would be given to everyone who submits a Isee lower at 15,000 euros a year.

However, things change if the ISEE is less than 7,000 euros: the bonus would be doubled, thus obtaining up to a maximum of 900 euros per year.

How to apply

If the amendment is approved, in order to receive the bonus every owner should apply to the Social Insurance Institution. The animal that lives in the family must, however, be compulsorily registered in its own registry.

Furthermore, among the amendments of Brambilla, always in defense of animals and the environment, it is proposed to reduce VAT on veterinary expenses and pet food, as well as refinancing for funds intended for fight against stray animals.

Read also: What does the law say about neighborhood dogs? Who protects them?

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