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the 5 rules to follow

Buying food supplies for our 4-legged pets can be very convenient from an economic point of view, but in order not to turn a deal into a bad investment, it is necessary to know the rules on how to store dog food correctly.

The risk is to offer Fido expired food without realizing it.

How to store dog food?

Choosing a balanced and excellent quality diet for our pet is the first rule to protect its health, but from the moment the package is opened, it is necessary to follow some precautions to prevent the deterioration of foods.

Here are 5 rules for storing dog food correctly.

1. Use a suitable container

First of all, we should get hold of a special closed container that does not allow food to age and lose its flavour, preferably glass, metal or a special plastic suitable for food contact.

Choosing the right container for storing dog food will help protect it from spoilage and insect ingress.

2. Always reseal the package

Storing food in an open bag, in contact with the air, favors the process oxidationthrough which fats begin to go rancid and vitamins and natural ingredients lose their properties.

3. Choose a cool dry place

How to store dog food is often also indicated on the packaging: “to be kept in a cool, dry place and away from heat sources”. So even when the package is still closedavoid placing the bag near heat sources, such as radiators or direct sunlight.

Although the reduced water content of croquettes favors better conservation than wet food, even dry food deteriorates over time, due to oxygen and external factors.

4. Choose a sheltered place

Exposed food attracts insects and bacteria, but also and above all rodents. These can cause a double damage, both by consuming the food and by infecting the feed with faeces and urine which could carry dangerous diseases to Fido.

5. What about wet food? In the fridge for 2 days

If, on the other hand, you supply your dog with wet food, such as cans, it is important to put them in the fridge after using them and consume them in a couple of days, even if the ideal would be to use cans in a format compatible with our animal’s daily ration, to guarantee freshness and palatability.

If you keep the food in the fridge, take it out at least an hour before serving it to the dog so that it is served at room temperature.

What’s the Biggest Threat to Dry Dog Food?

  • Rodents: They are one of the most common causes of food spoilage. Furthermore, they can cause infection to our quadruped. The most common bacterial disease of this type is leptospirosis, which occurs as a result of contact of a dog with rodent urine.
  • Insects: may appear when food is not stored correctly. The higher the temperature where the dog food is stored, the greater the risk that insects will be attracted to the nutrients contained in the dog food. Insects lay their eggs in food, and then hatch into larvae.
  • Mites and molds: they mainly develop in a humid environment. Mites, which look like specks of dust, can lead to the development of allergies and irritations. Molds, in turn, produce toxins, which can slowly poison the body leading to the development of dangerous diseases for the dog.

Learn more about storing dog food

  • Choose a dry, dark, cool room with a relatively constant temperature (18-20°C) and no humidity.
  • The ideal is to store the food in hermetically sealed containers which considerably slow down the oxidation of the food.
  • Keep food on the top shelves of the cabinet, not directly on the floor.
  • Buy the optimal amount of dog food. Don’t stock up too much, because the longer food is stored, the greater the risk of pests and insects. It is recommended to buy products that last approx a month.
  • If you store a large amount of dry dog ​​food, mark the date of purchase. This will allow you to easily find the oldest food to use first.

How long can dog treats be kept?

After opening the package, the dry dog ​​food will keep (unopened) for approx 4-6 weeks. After this time, the possibility of mold and bacteria developing depends on how and where it was stored, and partly also on the percentage of fat contained in the food.

Be careful because spoiled food is not always recognizable: better to prevent by storing it correctly!

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