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which one to use and how to put it?

That eye drops for dogs to use and when and how to put the drops in the dog’s eyes? The reasons that can lead to the application of eye drops or eye ointment for dogs are different but all with the same goal: to be able to heal the dog.

Pain and discomfort can be treated through the application of natural or pharmacological products aimed at solving the problem diagnosed in the animal. Applying eye drops for dogs can be difficult and, in most cases, necessary.

Before undertaking any initiative in this regard, it is advisable to submit your four-legged friend to one medical checkup. In fact, only the careful diagnosis of the veterinarian on the clinical picture will be able to determine the cause and the treatment necessary for Fido to solve his eye problems. Here’s where to start and how to succeed!

How to tell if your dog has conjunctivitis or other eye infections?

When the dog has red eyes or tends to squeeze them frequently as if he wanted to get rid of a nuisance or scratches and tears profusely, it is better to have it checked.

These, in fact, are the first signs of infection or inflammation of the eye which can hide more or less serious pathologies.

What are the causes of dog eye diseases?

Among the main causes that can lead to the application and careful choice of eye drops for dogs are:

  • bacterial conjunctivitis, inflammation often originating from external agents, irritants or caused by skin diseases or allergic reactions;
  • the blepharitisalso an inflammation, affects the eyelid and can be caused by allergies, bacterial or fungal infections, parasites and other immune diseases;
  • the keratitisan inflammation of the cornea;
  • third eyelid disease;
  • an inflammation inside the eye (uveitis);
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma.

When does the vet prescribe eye drops for dogs?

In general, a veterinarian prescribes eye drops for dogs if Fido has excessive tears ordry eye.

What eye drops to use for dogs?

In cases where a foreign body infection develops in the eye, your vet is likely to recommend the application of antibiotic eye drops, for example, cortisone or anti-inflammatory eye drops, ophthalmic ointment or ointment, and sterile cleansing wipes. or natural remedies based on chamomile or mallow.

Human eye drops for dogs: is it possible?

Avoid giving your dog eye drops for human use, because their chemical formulation may not be compatible with that of the animal.

Make sure, therefore, that you purchase the correct medications as prescribed or suggested by your vet.

How to put eye drops on the dog?

1. Prepare the affected area

First things first, before putting eye drops on your dog to wash hands and make the application area as sterile as possible.

Then prepare the eye drops or cream by opening it and grabbing the dog trying to keep it as still as possible (avoid blocking him by making him scared or hurt, he will feel overwhelmed and could react very badly). Get help from another family member or someone the dog knows and trusts if needed. If the dog is particularly aggressive and tries to bite those who are only trying to help him, use a muzzle.

Get into a position that is comfortable for both of you, standing or sitting. Then proceed to cleaning of the area where the drug will be applied.

2. Put the drops on the dog

Subsequently, instill eye drops being careful not to put the tip of the bottle in contact with the dog’s eye. And repeat the procedure on the other side, if it is prescribed for both eyes.

If it is an ointment, apply the suggested dose into the eye and then massage the eyelid of the dog. When the dog moves too much or if you are not sure that you have applied the product correctly, clean any residue left in the application area and try again.

3. Reward the animal

During the entire procedure of applying the eye drops it is advisable to reassure the dog by repeating commands such as “Good”, “Stop”, “Bravo”. And at the end of this (for him) endless effort, offer him a treat so that the next time, until the end of the treatment, the dog associates the eye drops with a happy final moment.

The eyes are very delicate organs, even in dogs. Taking care of it in the right way is a further act of love towards our trusted friend.

Article reviewed by:

Francesco Reina
Veterinary assistant

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