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When to put pesticide on your dog?

Taking care of dogs and cats also means subjecting the animal to regular checkups to protect it from future diseases and pests, such as intestinal worms, fleas, ticks, mosquito, sandflies e lice. Unfortunately, these are parasites also present in the domestic environment and not, as commonly thought, only carried by infected animals. Often, in fact, the contagion occurs within the walls of the house therefore it is advisable to always apply the right products.

In fact, giving your dog an antiparasitic treatment prevents the risk of dangerous infections, which can lead to complications for the dog’s health and, in the most serious cases, even to the death of the animal. The administration of the pesticide must therefore be done from an early age and with regular frequency, following a administration schedulewhich can vary depending on the weight and lifestyle of the animal.

When to start antiparasitic treatment for dogs?

When you put the parasite spray on your puppy

The first treatment for the puppy dog ​​should be done in the fourth week of life (between the 21st and 30th day). This must then be done regularly every 15 o 30 days (depending on the treatment), until the completion of the sixth month of age.

It is good practice to deworm the puppy days before each vaccination, even if it is usually the veterinarian himself who administers the treatment, even if only on a preventive level, and tells when to start.

How many times to put pesticide on an adult dog

In the case of adults (from 6 months of age), it is possible to put the pesticide every 30 days. It doesn’t matter whether it’s domestic dogs or more in contact with areas where fleas and ticks are likely to be found.

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Some products cover the animal from almost all possible parasites even if with guaranteed effectiveness at different deadlines. For example, they can keep fleas away for a month and ticks for 6 weeks.

In these cases, however, it is necessary to talk to the vet establishing the appropriate administrations because it is advisable that prevention is always complete against all unwanted guests.

When to put the pesticide on the dog after the bath?

It’s important wait at least 48 hours after bathing your dog before applying the anti-flea product. While bathing, shampoo and water can strip away previously applied product, making it less effective against fleas and ticks.

Furthermore, the dog’s skin may be more sensitive after being washed, which could increase the risk of irritation or adverse reactions to the flea remover.

Should the pesticide be given when the dog is dirty or clean?

Treatment should be given according to the manufacturer’s and veterinarian’s recommendations. In general, it makes no difference whether the dog is dirty or clean, as parasites can attach to the dog at any time, regardless of its cleanliness. However, if the dog is particularly dirty or infested with external parasites such as fleas or ticks, it may be necessary to give more intensive treatment to rid the animal of existing infestations before starting prevention with such products.

Either way, it’s always better follow your vet’s directions to determine the frequency and type of treatment most appropriate for your four-legged friend.

Which pesticide to use?

Among the types of pesticides to use we find:

  • lo spot-on;
  • the drops that are placed between the shoulder blades;
  • the tablets;
  • the tablets.
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It is also possible to opt for asubcutaneous injectionas in the case of filariasis, but that should only be done Once a yearclose to the summer months, i.e. by May.

This is a particular case since in some cases it can be counterproductive and lead to risks for the animal. In fact, every other year, the test is carried out to verify that the animal is not infected, instead fighting this case with common tablets of equal effectiveness.

When to start putting the pesticide to prevent any parasites?

Fleas and ticks are above all a spring and summer problem, therefore the hot months. Despite this it is always advisable to apply the pesticide regularly to the dog during the whole year and take him to the vet for a more thorough checkup in the spring time to make sure there isn’t already an infestation going on.

However, the possible treatments do not concern only chemical products, but also natural ones, based on essential oils.

Neem oil is, for example, an excellent flea remedy for dogs. Me too’lavender oilthe citronellathe demand and theapple cider vinegar they are considered excellent deterrents against fleas and ticks. As a preventive measure, it is also recommended to use thegarlic he was born in brewer’s yeast in the dog’s bowl, so that it is able to keep annoying parasites away. Finally it is possible to realize a solution with del lemon and the aforementioned apple cider vinegar. This dog shampoo can be used throughout the year and among the benefits, in addition to not causing any side effects on the dog, it manages to make the animal’s coat shiny and smooth.

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We remind you that before acting it is always advisable to ask the opinion of your trusted veterinarian.

Article reviewed by

Francesco Reina
Veterinary assistant