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when the temperatures drop help them like this

Cats and winter: a complicated combination? We owners can rest assured: cats resist the cold better than us humans, thanks to their higher body temperature (38.5° on average).

If the feline is used to spending his days outdoors, probably it will keep going out despite the low temperatures, but don’t be frightened as soon as he feels the need to find some warmth he will return home.

Feeding the cat in winter

If the cat spends its days in the heat and doesn’t go outside, it won’t be necessary to change its diet.

However, if the cat lives in conditions of semi-freedom, i.e. he can go out as he pleases, even if he resists the cold, it is recommended to offer him some higher protein meals. Go ahead then a fish and meatespecially for the younger and older specimens.

Caution: even if he lives outdoors or at home, the cat must always have fresh water available.

How to take care of your cat’s paws in winter?

If the cat resists the cold without problems and is a adventurer who loves to roll around in the snow, care must be taken dry his paws thoroughly when he returns home, paying particular attention to the space between the bearings.

Paws are indeed very sensitive and they risk injuring themselves easily and causing pain and infection for the cat if they stay wet for too long. If you need to, feel free to apply too a repair balm.

Caution: in specimens suffering from rheumatism or arthrosis, the combination of cats and winter means… pain! Therefore, avoid letting sick cats go out and always keep them in a warm place. If the cat gets cold, take him to the vet.

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How to help stray cats in winter?

If you don’t have the possibility of having a cat at home, it is possible to help those who live on the street to face the winter and resist too cold with adequate shelters.

3 basic steps to help a stray cat in winter

To help street cats in the cold season we can:

  • Building an enclosed doghouse inside which wool blankets will be placed, even better if you manage to insulate it from the cold and damp.
  • Provide bowls with water and food, since the strays have to struggle every day to find food.
  • Contact the ENPAor to a neighborhood vet if your cat appears ill or injured; an expert will be able to show us a shelter in which to take it.

Watch out for cars!

Maybe not everyone knows, but during the winter cats snuggle under cars to find some warmth. In some cases they can squeeze inside the vehicle to stay next to the hot engine.

Before starting the car, therefore, it is advisable to give some small knocks on the top of the vehicle to possibly make the cat escape.