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what can happen and when to intervene

Onions, garlic and shallots are never lacking in Italian cuisine: their characteristic aroma is able to flavor our favorite dishes in a unique and immediately recognizable way.

This is possible thanks to the particular molecules present in these vegetables, the same ones that can cause health problems for our 4 legs when ingested.

For this reason it is absolutely forbidden to give the onion to cats.

But if he has eaten some by mistake, what can happen? How to behave?

Onions, a prohibited food for cats and dogs

There are many greens and vegetables that are good for your cat’s health, but onions are not among them.

Give the onion to cats can have very dangerous consequences on its health and the same goes for all plants belonging to the family of Amaryllidaceae, many of which are commonly used in the kitchen, such as:

  • the garlic
  • the shallot
  • leek.

The molecules responsible for cat toxicity are present in large quantities in these plants.

Onion for cats: why does it hurt?

Onion is toxic for cats because it releases molecules that are harmful to the cat, capable of causing even serious blood diseases, such ashaemolytic anemia and the subsequent formation of methemoglobin.

Those responsible for this danger are the organic compounds of sulfur (sulfoxides) present in the Amaryllidaceae, the same ones that give these vegetables their characteristic aroma and flavor.

What does haemolytic anemia involve in cats?

Hemolytic anemia consists of early destruction of red blood cellswhile the transformation of hemoglobin into methemoglobin makes it impossible for it to bind the oxygen present in the blood.
Compared to other species, including dogs, the cat’s hemoglobin is 2-3 times more sensitive to oxidative stress caused by these compounds.

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Can cooked onion be given to cats?

No! Organosulfuric compounds are not inhibited by cooking or ripening, so onions for cats, as well as dogs, are always prohibited.

By damaging the plant, for example during chewing, these molecules are released and assimilated readily by the cat’s digestive system.

Therefore, not only cooked or raw onion should be avoided, but also all its derivatives such as:

  • dehydrated onions
  • foods that contain onions

Toxic dose of onion for cats

The dose capable of causing significant damage to the cat’s health is equal to 0.5% of the cat’s weight. In a 4 kg cat, for example, the ingestion of about 20 g of onion in a single meal can cause important clinical changes in the cat’s haematological sphere.

The cat is more susceptible than the dog to onion poisoningbut the feline is not normally attracted to its taste and therefore stays away from it.

What to do if the cat ate onion?

A tiny piece will not cause serious damage, but if the cat has eaten a large amount of onions, it is good to keep it under control and contact the veterinarian immediately: toxic effects can generally appear. within 24 hours of ingestionbut in most cases the symptoms appear even after a few days.

How to recognize onion poisoning symptoms in cats

The symptoms to observe are:

In case of recent ingestion, the cat’s breath may have the characteristic onion smell.

Treatment for onion poisoning in cats

Anemia is diagnosed by the veterinarian by combining his medical history with symptoms and blood test results, and each subject must be treated according to specific needs.
Since there is no real antidote for this type of intoxication, action is taken by acting on 3 fronts:

  • Decontaminate the gastrointestinal tract by inducing vomiting,
  • treating anemia
  • providing all the necessary attention, starting with food needs.
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Contact the veterinarian to discuss with him what to do based on the amount of onions ingested and the health of your cat. Vomiting should only be induced if:

  • the ingestion took place no more than two hours ago,
  • when it comes to high ingestion
  • if the cat’s health conditions allow it

We also avoid wet cat foods that may contain propylene glycol. In some cases, blood transfusions or oxygen therapy are recommended.