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united by love for animals. Here are their dogs

Elisabeth Windsorsovereign of England and of the whole Commonwelth, passed away on 8 September 2022.

With the death of Queen Elizabeth II it marks the end of an era and the beginning of another era, that of the son, which has now officially become Re Carlo IIIaccompanied by his wife, Camilla Shand.

A common passion

Carlo and Camilla have always loved each other; their relationship had many more points in common than the then prince could have with his wife Lady D.

One of these points in common is found in the animals: the two have always been great animal lovers, first of all the horses. The two, in fact, met for the first time during a polo match.

But Carlo also has cows, sheep, pigs and Camilla has always been a supporter of rural life.

Their love is also shared with two Jack Russels with whom they form a large and beautiful family.

Bluebell e Beth

Bluebell and Beth are two Jack Russels aged 10 and 11, taken by the couple since Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, where they had arrived in pitiful conditions. Bluebell, for example, just before she was found from the shelter wandered through the woods hairless and with sores everywhere, almost as if she were dead.

Now the two dogs are sailing in luxury, as can be seen in the photo published by the newspaper Country Lifeon the occasion of their 125th anniversary, in which the two dogs were photographed with two pearl necklaces.

But their life hasn’t always been plain sailing and if they are fine now they owe it only to Carlo and Camilla.

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It remains only to wonder what will become of Queen Elizabeth II’s dogs now that the sovereign is dead. Are they going to keep Bluebell and Beth company? We’ll see!

Small curiosity: the “predecessor” of the current king, Charles II, was a great dog breeder and it seems that it was in his honor that the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed was named.