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Top 20 best guard dogs for your security

If you have a small, low-risk property and looking for the best guard dogs that will be happy to lay by your feet while you work, doesn’t need a big yard but will still keep watch if someone tries to sneak onto your property, one of these guard dogs may be just what you’re looking for.

They don’t need to go anywhere or do anything other than look alert and ready. Some breeds even have special coat colors that make them extra hard to spot at night. And because they’re on duty from dusk till dawn, they can sleep in the day when it’s warm enough.

When choosing a dog to purchase, people often overlook the importance of a good guard dog. Different types of dogs can be used as guard dogs, from watchdogs to attack dogs. This article will list the top 20 best guard dogs in order from most suitable for beginners to most intimidating decisions for an expert with great protection needs. It will be easy to find an option that suits your personal needs and lifestyle by reading this article!

1) German shepherd –

German shepherds are versatile and intelligent dogs that can perform many tasks and skills such as search and rescue missions, tracking, protection, police work, or even competitive obedience training.

They are often used as police dogs, hospital workers, drug sniffer dogs, hearing service dogs, and many others. German shepherds are very agile and athletic dogs with great speed and endurance.

They make great guard dogs because of their strength, agility, intelligence, and resilience to the elements. Some disadvantages of having a German shepherd as a pet is that they require lots of exercise for mental stimulation (also known as brain games) which means that they might not be suitable for people with busy lifestyles.

Often they can develop separation anxiety which requires good leadership from its owner to help prevent it from occurring. German shepherds are noble but fearless.


2) Rottweiler – (best guard dogs)

These dogs are well known for their strength and the power they pack within their body. Their loyalty to their master is what makes them a great protectors. With a bulky body, they make a good intimidation factor as well as having the ability to maintain good health and live longer than the average dog breed.

This makes them a great investment for family protection and security. They also love swimming which makes them good at water rescue and other activities that involves water sports such as hunting, fishing or even just playing fetch with your pet. Rottweilers are often visually intimidating to potential intruders.

3) American pitbull –

These dogs are known for their strength and being loyal to their owners. They have a lot of personalities and thrive on active love and training. American pitbull can be quite destructive when bored or in need of extra exercise because they are very energetic dogs that require lots of playtimes.

Also, they can become very loyal when they connect with their owners, but they can also become aggressive in need of leadership through training to prevent aggression when they feel like it’s needed.

German shepherds make great guard dogs or attackers due to their loyalty, size, strength, and intelligence (unlike the pitbull). Pitbulls are often used as guard dogs at homes, retirement homes, and even convalescent hospitals.

4) Doberman Pinscher –

Dobermans are very protective and loyal dogs that make great guard dogs due to their high energy and stamina which they obtain from their athletic appearance. They can be trained to be sweet and caring with children or used as vicious attack dogs.

They require training and socialization for them to develop good leadership skills. If not properly trained, they can become aggressive towards strangers and other dogs. When they feel their family is threatened, they will do anything to protect it from harm. This makes them a great weapon of defense against intruders or as a watchdog for their property.

5) Malamute – (best guard dogs)

This is a great dog for active families, very playful, and loves to play indoors or outdoors which makes it an ideal pet for many people. Its beautiful coat won’t need much grooming so it can save you money on grooming fees. Its height is around 23 inches which means that it is capable of restraining large animals easily.

They also have sharp hearing and great eyesight along with having a good sense of smell which makes them ideal for many types of hunting sports. They can also withstand harsh weather conditions from being used for sledding with their thick coat to protect them from the cold when needed.

6) Australian shepherd –

The Aussies can be used in a variety of ways due to their intelligence and strength. They are the most versatile of all guard dogs and will do anything to protect you, your property, and even strangers that come across them while they’re on patrol.

They can be trained in various activities that will keep them busy and happy like Agility training, Search and rescue missions, police work, or even competitive obedience training. This makes them ideal guard dogs for many businesses such as security services, retail stores, schools, or even hospitals due to their agility abilities.

7) Bouvier des Flandres – (best guard dogs)

The Bouviers are known for their strength, athleticism, endurance, intelligence and are very territorial. This breed is used for many purposes such as family protection dog, watchdog, protector of livestock, or other farm animals. Bouviers are also used to work alongside police officers during patrols or other security purposes.

These dogs are known to be very territorial which makes them great guard dogs because they will protect whatever land they’re on at all costs including their own lives if needed. They are intelligent and versatile dogs that can easily adapt to new situations or homes with little or no stress which makes them a perfect pet for many people.

8) Dogue de Bordeaux –

The DDB is a highly intelligent dog that can easily learn various sports such as search and rescue missions, guard dogs, police activity, or competitive obedience trials. They have a strong body structure and have great speed and endurance for short bursts of energy.

When used as guard dogs, these dogs are capable of protecting using their strength, agility, and intelligence. They are quite territorial which makes them a great guard dog because they will protect whatever land they’re on from intruders or even those that come into contact with them while patrolling the house or property.

9) Akita –

The Akita has a good sense of smell, great intelligence, and strong body structure which makes them ideal for many jobs such as police work, search & rescue missions, or even competitive obedience training.

These dogs are quite territorial which means that they will protect whatever land they’re on from intruders or even people that come across them while patrolling the property. They are strong but not very agile which makes them ideal to use for guarding purposes because they can be intimidating physically while still being able to keep intruders at bay by barking loudly at strangers.


10) Black Russian Terrier – (best guard dogs)

These dogs are loyal and friendly towards their owners but are very hostile to strangers which makes them ideal guard dogs. They can be very protective when it comes to defending what they see as their territory, home, or family which makes them great guard dogs for homeowners because they will attack any intruder that comes near your property.

Although they are small in size, they make great guard dogs because their strength is in their numbers when there’s more than one of them at a time. The only downside is that this breed can be aggressive towards other animals and even people if not trained properly.

11) Cavalier King Charles Spaniel –

This is a good breed for families with small children because they are very friendly and affectionate towards them. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is also a great guard dog due to their fearless nature which makes them capable of protecting against intruders or even other animals that may come near the home while they’re out for supervision.

These dogs are gentle and playful making them ideal companions for children. They leave you in peace while you’re home since they’ll be busy entertaining the kids at your feet. Not many people can resist these adorable creatures, especially children because of their sweet disposition.

12) Yorkshire Terrier – (best guard dogs)

Yorkshire Terriers are known for being brave, agile, strong, loyal, and devoted to their owners so it’s no surprise this breed is used as a police dog. They have a very strong sense of smell and great hearing which makes them capable of protecting things like airports, borders, banks, and even the White House.

This breed has a high tolerance to pain making them great guard dogs for police or military work because they can withstand the injuries that come with these types of jobs. This breed is also very alert, highly intelligent, and quickly making them ideal guard dog choices for many people around the world.

13) Cane Corso –

The Cane Corso is a powerful dog with a muscular body structure which makes it ideal as a guard dog for large properties such as farms, ranches, or even commercial establishments such as construction companies, hospitals, and schools to protect grounds from illegal entry by intruders.

They are very territorial which means they will only attack intruders that get too close to what they view as their property. They are brave, strong, and agile making them great guard dogs for people like the police, military, security services, or even homeowners who want a dog that can protect their home from intruders.

14) Belgian Shepherd –

The Belgian Shepherd is a strong healthier dog that is highly intelligent with a good sense of smell making them great guard dogs. They have a protective nature which means they will attack any intruder they see as a threat to their territory or family.

These dogs are known for being calm and brave even in stressful situations. So they can easily adapt to new homes or owners with no problems making them obvious choices among many people. They also have a good tolerance to pain which makes them ideal guard dogs for security personnel. Like the police, military, or security services who have many injuries from these jobs.


15) Boxers – (best guard dogs)

Boxers are known for being very loyal to their owners which makes them great family dogs. They are strong, agile, intelligent, and have a great sense of smell making them ideal for many jobs. Like police patrols, search & rescue missions, or even competitive obedience training.

They are also quite territorial. It means they will attack intruders that come onto their property to attack or steal things. This breed has a high tolerance to pain making them highly trained guard dogs. That can withstand injuries that come with the job in any field.

16) Bull Mastiff –

The Bull Mastiff is a very powerful dog. They are very loyal and devoted to their owners making them great family dogs. They have a strong, muscular body that makes them an ideal guard dog choice for homeowners. Or those with large properties such as farms, ranches, or industrial companies.

These dogs are capable of attacking intruders using their strength and agility. It makes them great guard dogs for people like homeowners. Who wants to protect their property from intruders as well as protect it from thieves. This breed is also very calm which means they can adapt to their new home without any problems.

17) Briard – (best guard dogs)

The Briard is a strong breed that is very dedicated towards their owners making them great family dogs. They have a muscular body structure. Which makes them ideal guard dogs for homes with a large number of people in them.

They are also very strong. So it’s no surprise they can easily protect their home from intruders by attacking them physically. This breed has a good tolerance to pain making them ideal guard dogs for people who want a tough dog. To defend their home from intruders or even other animals. That may come near the property while they’re out for surveillance.

18) Pug –

The Pug is known to be extremely loyal and loving towards its owners. Which makes it very easy to train this breed as a guard dog. These small dogs have a high tolerance to pain making them ideal guard dogs for people who may be farmers. Even military personnel, police officers, and even security services where they’re likely to come into harm’s way.

They are also very agile and intelligent. It makes them capable of adapting to new situations at home or on the job with no problems. This breed is known for being very brave so they can easily attack intruders with their size and strength.


19) Bulldog –

Bulldogs are strong, sturdy dogs that are very devoted towards their owners which makes this breed great family dogs. They are strong, brave, and have a great sense of smell. So they can easily protect their owners from intruders by attacking them physically.

This breed has a good tolerance to pain making them good guard dogs. For people who want a dog that can endure abuse or injuries that come with the job. They are also very agile. That makes them ideal guard dogs for people who are out on patrol looking for potential intruders.

20) Alsatian – (best guard dogs)

The Alsatian is known to be very loyal towards their owners which makes this breed great family dogs. They are intelligent, strong, and have a great sense of smell. Which means they can easily protect their owners from intruders by attacking them physically.

This breed has a good tolerance to pain making them ideal guard dogs. Especially for people who want a dog that can endure abuse or injuries that come with the job. This breed is also very agile. Which makes them ideal guard dogs for people who are out on patrol looking for potential intruders.

Visit ddrguarddogs to buy guard dogs.

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