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Thousands of people share the message left under this sign

A photo shared on Facebook by the user Path G.A. has been making a sensation on social networks for weeks. But how come?

The reason is none other than theapplauded response to a sign that read: “Your dog’s urine damages the wall.”

The cartel of discord

Patha Facebook user from Zaragoza, in Spainshared an image of the sign with a long handwritten text attached beneath it that read:

“Your tobacco causes cancer. Your cigarette butts cause forest and mountain fires. Your plastic is destroying seas and oceans. Your car’s exhaust is killing the climate. Your sanitary pads clog pipes, sewers and treatment plants. Your waste kills rivers. MY DOGS SAY THIS: “WHEN YOUR BREED WILL SWEEP THE PLANET AWAY … YOUR WALL WILL STILL STAND …” ».

Path’s post had over 4,000 shares and hundreds of comments from people who they wanted to have their say on the sign and on the sheet glued underneath.

Pros or cons

Among the many comments is that of Juan Alberto Quitana that says:

“I’m sure humans do more damage than animals: they teach us a lesson, we should learn a lot from them.”

And he adds: “If everyone knew how much unconditional love they can give, how faithful they are, how many lives they save, without being weepy like humans, and how grateful and always happy they are, and many other things, surely we could not blame the dogs: they are the humans who are dirty and guilty ».

That of Anthon Martin is another point of view. In the post he writes a message that bets on civicism: «I love animals, they are better than many human beings. I agree with everything you’ve said, but civic conscience is civic conscience and just because others don’t have it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have it. This is a vicious circle, it is as if blood calls blood, with endless wars and no hope of improvement. This too is a shareable answer ».

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“After all, the two messages are the same. Let’s show civic sense and lead by example. Perhaps no one will appreciate it, but we will be better people and our dogs will be frowned upon, ”replies another Facebook user.

The fault is not of the dogs but of the owners

Many of the people agree that beings humans are responsible of all the behaviors mentioned in the two cartels. And in the case of dogs, their owners are.

«There are owners who follow the rules, respect the spaces, collect the needs of their animals. There are others, on the contrary, who don’t care, and who don’t. We cannot put everyone on the same level ».

There are many points of view similar to this one can be read in the post.

There are those who are dirtier than dogs …

Some promote the use of water bottles with detergent for clean the urine of dogsas they raise their voices against “dirty” people.

Almudena Marquina he underlines: «I see many owners with their bottles of water and detergent. But I have NEVER seen the many men who urinate on walls daily. And what a stink! We have to react against dirty people with or without pets ».

What do you think about it? We are interested in knowing your point of view! Leave a comment below! 👇