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they try to get rid of the drug, but it lands on the wrong dog’s head!


A special agent in the right place!

© Woody Alec / Shutterstock


Grace Fontana

Posted on

We may not know what it’s like to be chased when in possession of drugs, but we can imagine that the reaction of these two men who threw drugs out the window to get rid of them is completely normal. Except when there’s a police dog under your house and he gets in the face.

It would seem a story of Lerciobut the facts really happened in January a Chiavariin the province of Genoa.


As reported by, father and son 44 and 20 years old were arrested for drug dealing and possession.

Wanted by the police for some time and caught in their own home, the two decided to dispose of cocaine and hashish by throwing them from the balcony. Too bad thecanine unit it was positioned right under their window and recovered all the “material”.

What dogs on the paw!

Of course in this case the police dogs have had the job “served on a silver platter”, but we must not forget how smart (or rather, paw!) these four-legged are.

To become a member of a dog unit they have to go through a long and hard training. Don’t miss our interview atdog trainer Erica Garbelliwho told us how to train a police dog!

Read also: Police dog makes a rather unusual discovery in a garage (Photos)

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