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the reaction of the dogs is too funny! (Video)


These doggies love grandma’s cart!

© Youtube @RMVideos


Francesca Discipoli

Posted on

The nonna met the furbabies (and the rest of his family) during the 2022 Christmas season after hip surgery.

To move around safely, improve stability, and create more traction while on the move, the old woman used two tennis balls to cover the feet of the walker.

An unusual game!

This improvement, designed to make granny move safely, turned into a problem when the two family dogs noticed the two tennis balls.

The fours thought the balls were their Christmas present and that grandma had attached them to her cart to let them play! And they, happy, appreciated!

In a short video posted on Youtube, we can see the furbabies trying to catch the balls while the lady moves into the living room.

Eventually the two will give up: impossible to grab those balls! In any case, they knew entertain the whole family!

Why do dogs love tennis balls?

Chasing, hunting and fetching are part of their DNA and games of throwing and fetching stimulate their natural prey instincts. I’m naturally predisposed chasing tennis balls and other objects.

Furthermore, i compliments and caresses they receive when they bring things back satisfies their need to please humans.

But, beware! Not all dogs really like the game of toss and fetch. Try throwing a ball to a Bulldog.

The only thing you will get in return is one gaze which means something like, “I’m not interested. You can go and get it yourself!”

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Read also: Finley, the Golden Retriever who entered the Guinness World Records!