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Syracuse throws herself into the fire to save her cats: the situation is desperate

Syracuse. A very brave woman braved the flames that broke out in the attic of a room she owned for save her cats.

He didn’t hesitate even for a moment, risking dying aliveto save his four feline friends with whom he had lived for six years.

One in four makes it

Unfortunately, for three of them the consequences of the fire, caused by a short circuit to a socket, were fatal, while the woman was able to save herself.

“I perceived the smell of burning – the woman tells the local media – and as soon as I opened the door, hell opened up for me. In fact, here is the kingdom of my cats and, despite the flames and the black smoke, I threw myself inside».

A few minutes after entering the fire, she faints. Luckily she is immediately taken to the emergency room by the firefighters.

An excruciating pain

Desperate, the courageous woman recounts her sadness at the loss of her three cats that she was very fond of:

«Three of my cats are gone: the first, my beloved and innocent Mieledied immediately of smoke poisoning. Medea, the smartest cat in the world, did not perceive the danger this time, she left intubated due to internal bleeding. My magnificent Sugar, he resisted for two days and two nights, but he couldn’t make it. Thus, six years of love go away, three brothers who have never separated since birth. Always together, even in death.

The Syracusan says that she has only one kitten left:

“The sweetest one Paper, is still with me. The smallest, the most fragile of all. She survived.”

The courage to brave a fire that broke out in the house, the fear of losing her four beloved cats and, unfortunately, the pain of a tragic ending for three of them.

Posted by on Monday, November 14, 2022

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