
Need to speak with a Vet Doctor?

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L’ascites in the cat it is a pathology with a high incidence in elderly subjects and with concomitant pathologies. Although it is a manageable disease, it is necessary to dedicate time and patience to Micio following him in his rehabilitation path alongside the trusted veterinarian.

Let’s find out together how this pathology that can affect our pets (but also humans!) is born, evolves and eventually heals.

Feline abdominal effusion: the origin of feline ascites

Ascites in cats is a pathology which determines as main semiological evidence theaccumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity. The peritoneal cavity is lined by the peritoneum (a very thin membrane) and is between the diaphragm and the pelvis with the function of containing all the abdominal organs.

In the course of feline ascites this cavity will gradually fill with a fluid which, according to cell count, total protein, specific gravity, cell content, can be classified as a transudate (pure or modified) or as an exudate. This classification can be useful in identifying the etiology of ascites and setting up an appropriate treatment.

Chylose or pseudochylos, hemorrhagic, biliary, neoplastic effusions and uroabdomen are very specific exudates that many veterinarians prefer to consider different from ascites proper (although they have the same course and similar pathogenesis).

Transudate vs. exudate: the differences in feline abdominal ascites

If we searched the web for images of cat ascites we would realize that the color of the abdominal fluid changes very often. The first difference to make is between transudate and exudate:

  • il exuded it is a fluid poor in corpuscular elements and appears not very dense and transparent.
  • l’exudate it is a fluid with a more or less important concentration of cells such as plasma proteins, enzymatic cells, blood cells and substances deriving from the destruction or metabolic activity of injured tissue.
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In both cases we are talking about liquids inflammatory.

What can cause ascites in cats?

Feline ascites may result from single pathologies or from multifactorial pathological events.

Here are some examples:

  • Increased hydrostatic pressure in the circulatory system (occurs in the course of right congestive heart failure or portal hypertension);
  • Decreased colloidal osmotic pressure (occurs in hypoproteinemia secondary to intestinal malabsorption, liver failure, or protein-losing diseases);
  • Increased vascular permeability (occurs in the course of vasculitis/phlebitis or generalized inflammation);
  • Disruption of an organ, a vessel, a mass in the course of coagulopathy;
  • Obstruction or breakdown of a lymphatic vessel;
  • Trauma ascites in the cat;
  • Feline parasitic ascites.

These causes inevitably lead to a more or less important accumulation of abdominal fluid. Of course, depending on the cause of ascites in the cat, it will be important to associate the other clinical signs in order to make a diagnosis.

What are the symptoms of ascites in cats?

The symptoms usually reported by the owners are:

  • abdominal distension (not always present),
  • inappetence,
  • lethargy,
  • lack of empathy for your pet.

since theaccumulation of abdominal fluids it is a condition common to many pathologies it will be important to carry out a complete visit to the veterinarian using all the means available to clarify the clinical situation.

Diagnosis of ascites in the cat

In addition to the general objective examination which will evaluate the subject’s systemic health, the veterinary surgeon will be able to make use of detailed diagnostic methodologies with respect to the disease in progress.

Abdominocentesis and cytological fluid

Ascites in cats usually shows the presence of abdominal fluid which, if collected via ultrasound-guided abdominocentesis, will allow the veterinary surgeon to analyze the peritoneal content by narrowing the field of diagnosis. In this way it will bring to light the presence of the cells present in this inflammatory liquid which can give important information to understand the cause and begin to establish a therapeutic plan.

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The sample should be analyzed for total and nucleated cell counts, total protein, specific gravity, and microscopic evaluation of cellular components.

Further examinations

In addition to this sample, it is sometimes necessary to proceed with a more in-depth screening which includes:

  • complete blood count;
  • Serum biochemical profile;
  • urine tests;
  • Abdominal imaging (x-ray or ultrasound);
  • Test FIP.

How do you treat ascites in cats?

Treatment for ascites in cats totally depends on the cause and the pathogenic process. certainly theperiodic abdominocentesis it can be useful to improve the patient’s well-being.

Where does the cannula needle go into the cat with ascites?

A percutaneous entry into the abdomen is made with a butterfly needle or a 22-25 G needle-cannula, gently aspirating the fluid using the attached syringe.

In patients with right heart failure, the use of diuretics does not allow the fluid to be mobilized in the abdominal cavity, therefore it is still necessary to proceed with therapeutic abdominocentesis.

Treatment for feline ascites

For the chronic managementIn an attempt to prevent or reduce the recurrence rate of fluid accumulation, diuretic therapy (furosemide every 12 hours) and an associated ACE inhibitor (enalapril or benazepril every 12-24 hours) should be initiated.

Ascites in cats: natural remedies

In abdominal ascites the remedies for the cat can be many and not always pharmacological. It is important to underline that drug therapy, together with therapeutic abdominocentesis, can be only supported by natural remedies and not replaced.

Homeopathic compounds such as the arsenic thyroxide useful for regulating intestinal health by acting on the digestive, respiratory and nervous systems, bringing benefits to the skin and mucous membranes. This homeopathic treatment combined with ascites drainage in cats can improve the quality of life of our four-legged friend. Also homeopathic medicines based on apis mellifica they can bring benefits in case of abdominal effusions, edema, skin itching and generalized malaise.

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How long does it take for a cat with ascites to recover?

Ascites in cats has no fixed recovery period. As specified several times, it is first of all necessary to identify the cause of ascites and then proceed to stabilize the patient. Once an abdominal fluid drainage has been performed, the subject will begin a rapid recovery in terms of appetite, motor activity and empathy.

At this point we must not let our guard down, but continuously follow your cat and periodically take him to the veterinary doctor to resolve his malaise accompanying him towards a speedy recovery.