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Rocky Knows What To Do When His Master Comes Home From Work (Video)


Grace Fontana

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The best thing about going to work is … coming home in the evening! For the lucky ones, there is always someone ready to welcome you as soon as you walk through the door: a four-legged friend!

This is the case with Giuseppeone of our readers, who showed us how his name Border Collie Rocky welcomes him every evening: the cutest video of this Monday!

I missed you dad!

Giuseppe told us that it is not his two children aged 12 and 10 who give him the warmest welcome, but his 4 year old Border Collie.

Every night Rocky, as soon as his human dad walks through the door, runs to meet him to greet him cheerfully wagging his tail and more! Rocky, in fact, loves hugs so much and if he hasn’t suffered any … he goes to get them! Just like a human, in fact, she waits for her dad to be seated to jump on him, put her paws around his neck and crouch with her muzzle on his chest waiting for so many kisses. An infinite tenderness!

Happy Birthday Rocky!

Rocky owes its name, of course, to the famous character of Rocky Balboa. Its owners, Marta and Giuseppe, told us that, immediately after the adoption, driving home with the newcomer, they heard on the radio the song Eye of the Tiger. At that moment, looking into each other’s eyes they had already understood: their puppy would be called Rocky!

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And just today, October 3 2022, Rocky completes 4 years. Happy birthday sweet dog!

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