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Pixie’s life could suddenly change (Video)

Do you remember Pixie, the Palermo Labrador who needs a trolley to be able to walk? We went to see her during her physiotherapy sessions and not just any day!

L’March 8Indeed, Pixie he celebrated his 9 months together with her human beings, the volunteers Monica, Cristina and Carla and all the veterinary doctors who are following her in therapy. What better day than the one dedicated to women’s Day to also celebrate the strength of this extraordinary girl!

Progress at a glance!

They have passed three months since Pixie walked through the door Veterinary Clinic Strasbourg trying to get his life back. Life that some doctors seen previously wanted to break, telling her ex-family that now there was nothing more to do, that Pixie would never walk again.

Yet Pixie now walks! In her way, but she walks. And she is making great strides! In the beginning she could only get around with a trolley, now she can have more strength on its hind legs and can move even without help.

Never give up!

But that’s not all: between sessions of bodyweight physiotherapy, laser, tecar, OPAF and water therapy, Pixie is a true force of nature and the CVS vets believe that now is the time to operate on her front legsat least one of the two, to be able to give her back that normal life she has long dreamed of.

Pixie during physiotherapy in the water.© Todocat

Even if all this is still not enough: of course, Pixie is well pampered between the vets and her voluntary “aunts”, but now the dog he needs a family that I can give her a welcoming home, lots of love and that I can also pay for her treatment and her operation.

Pixie receiving beauty pampering from her physiotherapist.© Todocat

Between physiotherapy and surgery it still takes around 3,000 euros. Volunteers and the Veterinary Clinic are collecting free offers also through Pixie’s Gofundme page. What are you waiting for? Run to help the beautiful Labrador and if there is a good soul among you ready to make a little place in your heart for little Pixie, know that the night is a little angel and really gets along with everyone!

Don’t miss our video and all of Pixie’s progress!

Read also: How to handle a paralyzed dog and take care of it?

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