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Peas to cats: can they be given?

Can cats eat peas? They do well peas to cats? You might have wondered when you saw your feline friend sneakily nibble on some fresh peas as you prepare a delicious lunch.

Peas are full of nutrients that are great for the human body. If humans can eat peas, can cats safely eat them too? Here’s what you need to know about cats and peas.

Carnivores yes, but not entirely!

Even if cats are carnivores, other foods such as vegetables are recommended to supplement – minimally – the diet of our 4-legged friends.

Pet owners often worry about which human foods are safe for their cats, and thank goodness! It’s important to know which foods are non-toxic and digestible before sharing some of your favorites with your kitty. Luckily, peas are not only non-toxic to cats, but they can be beneficial to the health of felines.

Can cats eat peas?

Yes, cats can eat peas. Peas are not toxic or poisonous to cats and are one of the vegetables that cats can eat and enjoy safely!

As with any food, though, ask yours veterinarian before sharing any human food with your beloved feline, including peas.

Giving your cat peas from time to time is good for you! ©VittoriaChe / Shutterstock

While peas are great for your cat, they should never replace a balanced meat-based diet.

Peas are good for cats

You may have noticed that many commercial cat food brands add peas to their formulas.

In fact, there are a number of health benefits that these round legumes provide a cat. They have many nutritional benefits, containing:

  • Few calories;
  • Vitamins (especially A, B, C, E, and K);
  • dietary fiber;
  • Mineral salts (manganese, copper, iron, potassium, calcium, zinc).

Furthermore, peas contain sugar (but not too much), which is why they are pleasant for both us humans and our four-legged friends!

Great for overweight cats

Since peas are a low-calorie food, they can also work as a great snack to give to cats with a few extra pounds.

They help digestion

Peas have a positive effect on the feline’s gastrointestinal tract: being rich in fibre, they can help cats suffering from occasional constipation or digestive problems.

What to watch out for when feeding cats peas?

Cats can eat fresh, frozen or cooked peas. They are listed below three situations things to watch out for when feeding cats peas safely.

Frozen peas

If the peas are frozen, make sure they’re still soft enough to be chewed by your cat to prevent it from choking.

Canned peas

Also, avoid feeding your cat canned peas as they usually have a high amount of sodium added.


Best to avoid feeding a cat peas in their pods. This is because, while some pods can be safely digested by some specimens, they could also be at risk of becoming a risk of suffocation. Be cautious and feed your cat only shelled peas.


Always make sure the peas are unseasoned! Seasonings such as onions and garlic are toxic to cats and should always be avoided.

The best solution will be fresh, tasteless and unsalted peas. The simpler they are, the less likely they are to upset your kitty’s tummy!

How to give peas to the cat?

The ideal would be to give the cat peas as a snack a couple of times a week. Otherwise, when fed in excessive quantities, peas can have some negative side effects such as vomiting or diarrhea.

If they are new to your cat’s diet, be sure to introduce them slowly. You can sprinkle some on top of Kitty’s usual food to start with and monitor him for any negative reactions.

As with all new foods, if you notice Health problems such as vomiting, diarrhea or other problems, stop giving your cat peas and consult your vet immediately.

Article reviewed by:

Francesco Reina
Veterinary assistant

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