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October is the month dedicated to black cats


October is dedicated to black cats.

© Alena Ozerova / Shutterstock


Nina Segatori

Posted on updated the

For centuries legends and stupid superstitions have condemned the black cats to an unfortunate fate, that of being hated by many people who think they bring bad luck.

Precisely for this it was dedicated the entire month of October to raise awareness towards these mysterious and fascinating felines, who still suffer mistreatment and discrimination due to the color of their fur.

The legends about the black cat

Years and years of superstition and slander have made the black cat a animal to be wary of and to keep away. This is because in the past they were believed to be the best friends of witches, those women who practiced the art of black magic or who were actually pointed out as such despite having nothing to do with esotericism.

Furthermore, today again there are those who believe that the black cat brings bad luck and that seeing it cross one’s path is the cause of misfortune and tragedy. Myths and legends that in 2021 still cannot be completely eradicated, to the detriment of these innocent animals.

October dedicated to black cats

To date, according to statistics, black cats are rarely adopted and one is estimated 50% lower adoption rate compared to that of felines with a different colored coat.

This has resulted in 31 days being devoted to the awareness of this unfortunate animalwhose only fault is that of being born black.

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Why October? The reason is not accidental: this month, in fact, coincides with the Halloween partya period full of legends and gossip about black cats.