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Muscle-strengthening nutrition for dogs: what is it?

L’Muscle building food for dogs it’s important, since puppies. Although not all dogs are predisposed to build muscle, between working and sporting breeds, i.e. employed in the various dedicated physical disciplines, the care of their appearance and physical excellence are very important to ensure that they achieve the set goals.

Failure to maintain their daily energy requirement, in fact, in the long run, can cause: loss of muscle tone, physical weakening, weight loss or obesity, lower performance. So what is the role of nutrition for the physical well-being of growing dogs?

How to increase the muscles of the dog?

Among the exercises that have the best effect on the development of the muscles of dogs there are activities such as:

  • towing with weight;
  • he treadmill;
  • the race;
  • the tug of war;
  • fetch games (for example to play with the ball);
  • exercises to train the jump and, therefore, strengthen the dog’s hind legs;
  • physical activities to do with other dogs;
  • wear harnesses or weighted vests.

The activities to be carried out, the exercises and methods to increase the dog’s muscles are different and differentiated according to whether you want to strengthen the back or front muscles, the chest, shoulders or enhance the general resistance of the animal (especially if used in strenuous, stressful jobs).

However, in order to perform their muscle strengthening at their best, dogs must be in excellent health. And how do you get an excellent physique, if you don’t take care of your diet? Let’s see what is the right type of food for growing dogs.

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Muscle building nutrition for dogs

To promote muscle strengthening in sporting or working dogs, it is good that their daily portion of food should not lack:

  • The proteins: good quality, highly digestible and rich in amino acids. Those of animal origin are preferred, such as fresh meat, offal, eggs and fish. However, low-cost waste should be avoided.
  • The vitamin: important to favor the assimilation of fats and carbohydrates, the vitamins belonging to group B are to be taken into greater consideration.
  • The fats: but only of certain types, in such a way as to increase the availability of fatty acids and favor an increase in energy intake.
  • I minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium are very important both for maintaining the dog’s muscle and bone resistance.
  • The water: to be left available to the dog always fresh and clean to prevent the dog from suffering from heat stroke and reducing its performance.

Feeding care is important for all dog breeds and especially for sporting and/or working dogs, this is essential. In fact, offering your dog a balanced diet that contains all the nutrients suitable for his energy needs not only helps him maintain his healthy weight, but also allows him to strengthen his muscles and keep bones and tendons firm and strong, to optimize his performance as a great athlete and to remain alert and concentrated in his duties.

Muscle supplements for dogs and homemade diets

Under the advice of your veterinarian and with due attention, it is also possible to choose a home-made diet for your trust, which is balanced and correct, and possibly also to administer muscle supplements. In general, however, there are already quality, complete and quality foods on the market adapted to the needs of sporting dogswhich do not require any type of food support.

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In many cases, even the veterinarianwill tend to recommend this type of commercial diet, rather than “risk” with a homemade diet which, despite the precautions of the owner, can be increasingly lacking in relation to the selection and choice of some products.


Before thinking about getting your dog to gain muscle, it is a good idea to consult your trusted veterinarian inquire about the physical characteristics of his race.

Once the training phase has begun, it must be ensured that the dog can rest between one session and another, in order to avoid extreme physical effort. Physical and mental stress and excessive eating won’t help your four-legged friend’s performance at all.