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Lentils for cats: can they be given?

Lentils are types of cereals that come from a plant of the legume family. They are eaten all over the world and bring many benefits.

Male cat lentils are they good or is it better to avoid letting them eat them?

As you may know, the nutritional needs of cats are different from ours, as they are exclusively carnivores. In this article you will find out whether cats can eat lentils or not.

Can cats eat lentils?

Yes, cats can eat lentils, but in small quantities and infrequently. It is important that you like them and that they do not cause discomfort to the animal.

The lentils given to the cat must be well cooked and never raw, in order to facilitate their ingestion.

Are lentils good for cats?

Cats are carnivorous animals. They therefore need the proteins contained in animal tissues to provide themselves with all the essential macro and micronutrients and, despite their high biological value, they do not absorb them from other sources such as carbohydrates or legumes.

Even though our pet tigers don’t need some of the nutrients lentils provide, they may occasionally appreciate the taste and texture of these round beans.

Before giving lentils to your cat, check with your vet that your cat can eat them.

The benefits of lentils for cats

Lentils are a very nutritious and popular food, especially in the Mediterranean diet. The main ingredients are protein ​​e carbohydrates in the form of starch.

In general, they contain the following nutritional benefits, and while they are not required in a cat’s diet, their intake can provide the following nutrients:

  • Fibre
  • Vitamine B
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Ferro
  • Potassium
  • Carbohydrates
  • Protein
  • Low fat
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Thanks to the high mineral content, lentil has a positive effect on the overall health of the cat. Fight the tiredness and theanemiaallows the binding of calcium and phosphorus in the bones, maintains healthy coat and skin and contains antioxidant properties that prevent aging.

Although lentils are rich in carbohydrates, these are present in the form of starch, so they are released more slowly, reducing the rise in glucose and insulin that is dangerous for diabetic cats. Plus, the fiber they contain helps lower blood sugar levels.

How to give lentils to the cat?

Cats can eat lentils in small quantities and infrequently as long as they like them and they don’t cause problems.

It is recommended to cook the lentils over medium heat until they soften. This allows the animal to digest grains more easily. However, avoid cooking them too long or many of the important minerals may be destroyed.

Do not add salt, spices or seasonings. When the lentils are ready, you can give your feline friend some on their own or mix them with other foods such as rice.

We suggest that you supervise your pet whenever a new food is offered to it, as it can cause an allergic reaction, causing vomiting or difficulty breathing.

Side effects and contraindications of lentils for cats

Although lentils have a rich nutritional profile, many of the minerals in them may not be as beneficial to our pets as they are to us humans.

Let’s look at the most common side effects and contraindications of giving lentils to your cat.

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Side effects of lentils for cats

Lentils are quite rich in fiber. If the lentils to the cat are given in small amountsfiber can aid digestion.

On the contrary, aexcessive amount of fiber it can have a laxative effect for the cat: this can lead to diarrhea and associated complications such as dehydration and abdominal pain.

Similarly, lentils being high in carbohydrates, they can increase your cat’s risk of metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes.

Contraindications of lentils for cats

Lentils for cats are not recommended if Micio suffers from gastrointestinal problems you don’t I made it soft.

This is because, due to their high fiber content, they can cause diarrhea or indigestion in some cats, which is even more problematic in cats with gastrointestinal problems.