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Inflation and pets: 10 ways to save

According to Istat, the inflation acquired for 2022 in Italy is equal to +8,0%. The general increase in prices has reached levels not seen for nearly 40 years.

The price increase also affects dog and cat food, accessories and veterinary services. Where can we find savings that aren’t at the expense of our pets’ health?

Here are 10 ways to protect your wallet from the price increases of everything you need for cats and dogs.

Compare prices

The prices of individual products can vary significantly in pet stores, both physical and online.

Individual shops also arrange temporary promotions. It is worth comparing them by buying one discounted supply of food for pets.

Bigger packs at smaller prices

Whether it’s dry or wet food, buying larger packs saves you money. However, that doesn’t mean you have to stock up on a 12kg pack for your Yorkshire Terrier! In fact, even in airtight containers, food that has been opened shouldn’t be stored for long months.

But one slightly larger pack goes hand in hand with a price below the kilogram. There are also often discounts if you buy food in larger quantities.

Therefore, when buying, pay attention to the price per kilogram of the product!

Prevention is important!

We all know that Prevention is better than cure! Therefore, it is good to have your dog or cat undergo regular veterinary visits, during which the doctor will advise, if necessary, on the appropriate measures to implement.

Up-to-date vaccinations, teeth cleaning to prevent tartar buildup, and protection from ticks are some of these treatments.

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Sterilize your dog or cat

Castration of a dog or cat protects against many diseasessuch as pyometra, mammary gland cancer or diseases of the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

Castration and spaying are also the only effective ways to avoid unwanted pregnanciesand therefore the need to raise the litter and find them a new home.

You can inquire about your municipality to find out if there are particular initiatives to reduce the cost of neutering or sterilizing pets.

Take care of your pet

Brushing Micio is useful and relaxing! ©supawat bursuk / Shutterstock

Regular brushing, claw trimming, eye and ear care are treatments that make your pet not alone more beautifulbut also healthier!

For cats, regular brushing prevents shedding. In turn, check and, if necessary, wash the eyes and ears of the dog allows you to avoid disease of these sensitive organs.

If you have the skill and want to save on visits to the pet groomer, you can also try trimming your pet’s coat yourself – it’s best to use a special clipper for this purpose.

Used accessories and dog layette

Pet accessories can be expensive. The rule of thumb when buying dog toys is: buy cheaper things for puppiesbecause they will still be destroyed in a short time!

In the case of adult dogs, we can buy more expensive and better quality toys, because they will last longer.

It’s worth taking a look at used ads online or ask friends and family if they have bowls, leashes or beds that they no longer use. These items don’t have to be new, being easy to wash and disinfect.


Many pet accessories can be made at home yourself, at low cost. To feel comfortable, dogs need a cozy place to sleep. But it doesn’t have to be a designer bed!

You can use it successfully used blankets e old duvets which, arranged in a basket, will create a cozy bed for Fido or Micio.

Has your four-legged friend’s favorite toy broken? Don’t throw it! Just like in the old days, take a needle and sew the stuffed animal. In addition, you can create a olfactory mata cat scratching post or a tug of war for dogs.

DIY interactive toys for cats: food dispensers (Video)

Games are important for pets! ©Ezzolo / Shutterstock

Don’t overfeed Fido or Micio!

When you prepare the daily menu for your four-legged friend, you shouldn’t skimp on quality. High quality food is an investment in the Welfarethe salute and the longevity of your companion with the tail.

You can save money by taking care to measure out the right amount of food. Many dogs and cats are overweight – overfeeding them is no proof of love!

Home made food

Many pet owners reward their pets with treats and snacks. If you train your dog, instead of expensive snacks, you can simply reward him with del dry food or another healthy snackfor example a piece of apple.

Savings yes, avarice no!

Savers should remember that even small dogs cost a lot each month. So, if you are considering adopting a dog or cat and are thrifty by nature, think carefully before making that decision. Adopt a dog or cat it’s a lifelong responsibility!