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in the crosshairs of animal rights activists the clip of L’Isola delle Rose (Video)

Blanco it has now become a national case. After destroyed all the flowers on the stage of Sanremo 2023the Imperia attorney has decided to investigate it per damage. For what happened at the Festival, the Brescian singer could also risk arrest, but that’s not all.

Blanchitobebe, as she calls herself on Instagram, is now in the crosshairs of animal rights activistswho didn’t miss a very important detail of his latest video, The Island of Roses.

The accusation of the AIDAA

L’Italian Association for the Defense of Animals and the Environment presented a exposed to the Milan prosecutor’s office for the singer’s music video. The reason? A blue painted dog present in Blanco’s last clip and which for AIDAA corresponds to a clear case of animal abuse:

«It should be noted that the presence of a dog with an unnatural colored coat derived from a dye and not from a skilful post-production work, indicates the mistreatment. In the video clip it is clear that Blanco has succumbed to artistic grooming, the absurd technique of painting dogs and that these products can create major problems for animals that smell their smell», reads a note published by the association.

L’artistic grooming

In reality, artistic grooming is not the problem: the “artistic grooming” has always existed and refers to a particular cut of the dog’s coat. The fact of coloring Fido’s coat with dyes for animals is a separate matter and non-harmful products are still used for the four paws:

«The colors used are non-toxic, but this does not exclude the risk of allergic reactions or the development of dermatitis», behaviorist veterinarian Elena Borrione explained to us in a previous interview.

It now remains to be seen whether the singer’s team used it or not specific products for animals (although we doubt that a record company of a certain level takes such risks).

While waiting for their reply, we can still say with certainty that Blanco is a great lover of pets, especially dogs, which he always highlights on his social profiles.

What will the singer think of this accusation? In the meantime, here is the video of The Island of Roses.

>> See also what happens every year for the Halloween period

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