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If your dog does any of these 5 things, it means he loves you madly!

Interpreting the feelings and fears of our dog is not always easy, especially if you are a beginner or if the dog is still a puppy to be known.

But like all the strongest relationships, this is built day after day, with small gestures of affection that are sometimes imperceptible, but fundamental: here are the 5 signals that in canine language mean “you are the most important person!”

Dogs have a conscience too!

According to one studio dell’Cambridge University, many animals including dogs and cats, but also birds and octopuses, have an anatomical, chemical and physiological structure of the nervous system very similar to ours. What does it practically mean? That they too have one consciousness which works almost like the human one (in fact, it probably works even better!)

Starting from this assumption, today it is possible to identify some behaviors of the dog that indicate that he has feelings for us!

1. Fido is your shadow

The person dogs follow the most is the one they love most deeply. This is not the same attention that Fido gives to someone who may have a nice sandwich in their hands.

If the dog follows you, it is to monitor your movements, to be close to you and to make sure that everything is under control!

2. Always sleeps with you

Even for the loneliest dogs they have a certain need for cuddles. If the dog sleeps with you even though he loves his spaces it means that he feels safe and that he recognizes you as a member of his “pack”, what we humans call “family”!

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3. Constantly asks for affection

That hand dangling from the chair is a potential waste of petting: when the dog sticks his head under your hand, he couldn’t send you a clearer signal that says “pet me”! The most reserved dogs devote this attention only to the owner!

4. Wag your tail with joy when you come back

A few hours away from home, but when you return it seems that you have been away for months for the joy and excitement that your dog shows you as soon as you cross the threshold. How can you deny the joy of a wagging tail?

5. Stares at you

With dogs, visual communication is even more important, a bit like it happens in children, and contrary to popular belief, dogs take advantage of this method a lot.

When the dog stares at us it can be a bit disturbing, but in reality it has only positive: since they cannot speak, our animals look at us because they know that only we know them deeply and that we will be able to understand their needs with a single glance.

And what is special about your dog to show you love?

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