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Ideas on how to create the perfect Christmas stocking for cats and dogs!


How to delight our four-legged friends on Epiphany day.

© OlgaPonomarenko / Shutterstock


Ilenia Colombo

Posted on updated the

Why not think about ours too pet Epiphany day? It can be a great way to to spend time together to Fido or Micio, giving vent to creativity having funperhaps with the help of your children.

Here are some ideas about how to make beautiful Christmas stockings for our dogs and cats!

Green light to the imagination!

Epiphany stockings can be made in different ways and materials:

  • cotton;
  • lana;
  • carta;
  • felt;
  • fabric;
  • old socks;
  • crochet, for the more skilled.

So free space for imagination and decorations!

You can create, for example, a stocking in the shape of legs oh you osso decorating it with the photo of your pet, or with colored buttons e ribbons creating the shape of a paw or the nose of a cat!

Caution but ai small items e decorations. Do not leave them within reach of your pets otherwise they could swallow them and risk their lives by suffocating.

What to fill the stocking of the Epiphany with?

You can fill the Epiphany stocking for your dog or cat with many delights, but be careful do not put chocolates or other sweets as they are very toxic to animals.

Choose instead snack suitable for dogs and cats, chewing bones (also useful for oral hygiene), dog games or for cats and you can be sure your furbabies will appreciate it!

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