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How to train a cat from an early age and when to start?

Cats love independence: little inclined to the will of others and absolutely determined to carry out the prank they have in mind, they hardly let anyone who wants to bully them put their feet on their heads. But right here a decisive question arises to understand how to train a cat from an early age.

Since this is an activity that can be done with all types of felines, it is also good to remember that any type of training must be done with full respect for the animal, that is, without using strong manners or having to resort to raising one’s tone of voice. On the contrary, and especially with a cat, if you choose the path of a hard fist you will get results contrary to those desired, if not even nothing. So let’s see together to understand how to educate a cat through the positive reinforcement.

When to start training a cat?

During the first months of a cat’s life it is good to understand how to train a cat from an early age: the more the animal grows, the more difficult it is to work with him for an education that is satisfactory for both parties.

The young age of the puppies, on the other hand, allows them to learn while having fun and, therefore, to learn in a much shorter time (and with greater satisfaction for the master) than the adult cat.

How to train a small cat?

So let’s get into the heart of the matter. To answer this question, you need to approach the cat in a more careful and respectful way, leading the feline, at first, to focus its attention on the master who, from now on, will become his guide throughout the whole life. ‘training.

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To do that, it’s important make the kitten participate of all the moments he lives at home in contact, not only with other cats, but also with the rest of the human family. By making him feel part of a system and not forcing him, a common language will be created, as happens in the family, made up of words, tones of voice, ways of speaking. We must then involve the cat, from an early age, in relationship gamesthat is, done together with the master and in domestic activities, however having one point very clear: the game is not enough to understand how a cat is trained.

For this, you need to use a practical training method: the most commonly used is called clicker method, which consists in the use of an object that produces the “click” noise every time the feline performs an action desired by the owner, thus gaining access to a prize. So the cat must associate noise with the giving of a prize and understand, through a series of exercises, how to get it.

The most frequently asked questions on how to train a cat from an early age

Moving on to practice, here’s one series of cases in which it is good to act differently to train the cat and thus get it used to behaviors that are appropriate to the place where it is and the people it lives with.

How to train a cat not to bite?

If the bite occurs in game conditions, it’s good stop playing immediately with him and ignore him, to make him understand that in the process of playing there was a mistake on his part.

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If, on the other hand, the bite occurs under “normal” conditions, then in that case it is good not to foment the feline’s aggressive attitude but, on the contrary, respect its territorial limits and at the same time provide him with a space in which to hunt and “vent” his aggression.

How to train a cat to go to the litter box?

Place the litter box in an isolated place in the house it is the first step to allow the cat to use the tool in total tranquillity. To get him used to its use, it is good to put the cat in the litter box immediately after his meals trying to teach him what is the purpose of that litter that tickles his paws.

Every time the cat has used the litter box correctly, it is good to reward it with a tidbit and, finally, it is advisable to keep the sand and the container clean to give the cat a moment, not only for privacy, but also for personal hygiene.

How to train a cat not to scratch?

As in the case of the bite, it is advisable not to stir up the cat when it scratches and, indeed, it is advisable to give it a place in the house in which to place a scratching post in order to make it vent every time it deems it necessary to take a nail and scratch the furniture ( and not only).

How to train a cat not to climb on the table?

This is a difficult activity to manage because it is not always possible to be present at home to correct this behavior. But while some apply the so-called “remote correction”, we prefer to provide the animal a valid alternative to the table.

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For instance? We are talking about suspended kennels or shelves to be placed on the wall to satisfy the feline’s need to climb vertically.