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How to make a cat throw up

In this article, we will guide you on how to make a cat throw up. A cat throwing up is a challenging skill to learn, difficult at some point even. First, you have to get the cat in a position where it can be sick on your hand, and then you have to manually pump the stomach of the cat until they vomit.

Once you’ve accomplished these two tasks, congratulations! You are now a master of making your cat throw up over and over again! What an accomplishment!

Ways in making a cat to Throw up

1. Chocolate method:

The best way to make a cat throw up is to feed them some chocolate. Cats are sensitive to theobromine and caffeine, which are both found in cocoa. When you give them this substance they will feel sick and vomit it back up. But there are other techniques you can try.

2. The Cat VOMITATOR Method :

There is a technique, known as “The Cat VOMITATOR Method” that is easy to learn. It has been used by many cat owners to make their cats vomit, and it can be completed in only a few minutes. All you need for this technique is:

A plastic bag; A rubber rat; The stool of a cat; and A bucket.

Step One:

Get your cat into the position where it can throw up on your hand (see above photo). You’ll know you’ve done it correctly if the cat takes off running as soon as you open your hand.

Step Two:

Take the plastic bag, the rubber rat, and place them inside the bucket. Stir vigorously until contents are thoroughly mixed together.

Step Three:

Remove the plastic bag from the bucket and quickly put your hand inside. Before you start to pull on your hand, think about how much you love your cat. You are doing this for them…for their own good. If you get into an emotional state while attempting this technique, please try again later when you’re calm.

Step Four:

After the cat is finished vomiting on your hand, quickly remove it from the bucket. You might want to wash your hands before continuing (see above photo).

Step Five:

While your cat is vomiting in the bucket, make sure you don’t miss any of that vomit. You’ll need to transfer it into another container. If you happen to get any vomit on your hands, just spit on them and then rub them together until they’re clean. That’s exactly what I do! It works every time!

Step Six:

Now with your hands-free of vomit, take out the rubber rat and put it back in the bucket.

Step Seven:

Just as the cat is throwing up again, take the plastic bag and quickly remove it from the bucket, and put it into its mouth. You can use this opportunity to quietly praise your cat and promise that you will never ever forget their sacrifice.

NOTE: If you’re ever caught trying to make a cat throw up, I highly recommend that you claim ignorance of what you were doing at the time of discovery.


Here’s what you’ll need:
– Regular cat food (you can skip the type if your cat doesn’t like any)
– 1 tablespoon of white vinegar
– 1 tablespoon of olive oil

Now, put the stuff in a bowl and feed it to your cat. After feeding them, put them in a separate room for 20 minutes. While they’re gone, turn on some really loud music (just tap the “shuffle” button) and start clapping frenetically.

You’ll hear angry yowls coming from outside. When you open the door, your cat will run inside and throw up. Some people think it’s cruel to make a cat throw up, but this is how cats do it themselves.

You can use this as a healthy way for them to purge themselves of the stuff they don’t like.  And if you’re someone who doesn’t like to clean up after your cat, you can do that too!
(If your cat only throws up on a certain surface, put a towel on it before you feed them the food.)

Also, you can substitute the music for a bagpipe.  The sound of the bagpipe will make your cat more nauseated.  If you’re not into having a bagpipe, you can still get the same effect by using a megaphone.

It’s not really useful to get your old cat to do this trick.  Your old cat probably has too much dignity for this kind of thing.  I mean, it’s still cute to see an old cat throw up on its own, but it’s better if they do it on command.

**WARNING: Do not use this on cats that aren’t yours (steal someone else’s and try it out on them instead).


There are many reasons why cats throw up, so it’s important to try to figure out the reason. If your cat throws up hairballs or other hair, this is usually related to grooming behavior.

Sometimes cats will vomit after eating because the food cannot be digested properly, while other times vomiting can indicate a larger health problem. More information about these different scenarios is below.

Some common causes that may explain your cat’s throwing up include:

1. Hairballs:

Often people will not notice their cat excessively licking its fur and pulling out its fur (the result of grooming). Regular grooming is not a bad thing and the hair is not bothering the cat.

A hairball will be formed if your cat is unable to eliminate hair that it has ingested and instead of eliminating this hair (often by simply passing it), it will develop into a large blockage in its intestine.

When this blockage obstructs digestion, food can become trapped in the intestines and some of this food goes to the stomach, causing regurgitation. If the hair is ingested daily it may also result in hairballs forming sooner, before the blockage occurs.

This will not be common or very serious but can be a concern if it is happening frequently.

2. Toxins:

When toxins are ingested, it is possible that the cat will develop vomiting. Toxins can also affect multiple organs in your cat(s). If the toxins affect the liver or kidneys, you may see that your cat has vomiting or blood in its stool. If toxin levels are high enough, your cat could experience death.

3. Certain medications

A variety of medications are available to treat different conditions and there are times when cats will become intolerant to these drugs and develop vomiting as a result of this intolerance.

The vomiting will usually be an attempt to remove the drug(s) from the body. If you suspect that your cat is experiencing this problem, contact your veterinarian. Sometimes the dosage of the medication can be changed or you may even need to try a different treatment approach.

To get a therapy cat, LEARN MORE.

4. Diabetes:

The pancreas produces insulin which is responsible for effectively using glucose (sugar) for energy production in all cells of your body.

When there is not enough insulin for this purpose, sugar will build up in the bloodstream which often leads to diabetes (a common endocrinology disorder).

Many things can cause the pancreas to not produce enough insulin and some of these causes include infections (including certain food allergies and viral infections), tumors, and other disorders.

If your cat is experiencing diabetes, it can lead to very serious problems. Some symptoms of diabetes include excessive thirst, urinating frequently, weight loss, vomiting (which usually occurs first), and increased appetite.

Diabetic cats may also experience blindness, seizure activity (usual convulsions without consciousness), low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia), decreased ability to exercise, or kidney problems if the disease progresses.

5. Kidney Disease:

Sometimes cats will become ill with kidney disease. If this is the case, your cat may become ill with vomiting (which requires the aid of a veterinarian). The vomiting may also require additional testing to determine why it is happening.

6. Heart Disease

Heart disease in cats is not common but it does occur. If your cat has signs of heart disease, it will often present with vomiting (and sometimes with other problems like diarrhea) due to how the heart-lung (and gastrointestinal) system works. This can be treated through medications or surgery depending on what type of heart disease your cat suffers from.

7. Intestinal Infections:

Intestinal infections are common in cats. This will usually cause vomiting but may also present with other symptoms like diarrhea or abdominal pain. The cause of the infection will determine what antibiotic is going to be used, but this is a common reason for cats to vomit.

It’s important that you understand why your cat is vomiting and if the vomiting is a result of a medical condition, it’s important that you take your cat to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

If your cat has been vomiting for more than one day, it’s important to know the difference between acute and chronic vomiting.

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