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How to establish a relationship of trust with the dog?

Many people assume that a dog will automatically trust them. But this is not always true. While many dogs bond easily, gaining a dog’s trust can take time, particularly with shelter dogs.

In this article we will find out how to build a relationship of trust with the doggaining the trust of an abused dog and regaining the trust of your own dog.

How to establish a relationship of trust with the dog?

It may feel natural for us to approach dogs just like we do humans, with eye contact, a big smile, and an outstretched hand. But building a relationship with an animal takes care and patience.

You’ve probably had the experience of asking an owner if you can pet their dog. Instead of responding positively, the four-legged ignores you or just runs away. It’s easy to take this kind of reaction personally and think that Fido doesn’t like you.

If you’re bringing home a new pet to join your family members, there are several things you can do to gain a dog’s trust.

Here are some tips on how to build a relationship of trust with your dog.

Winning a dog’s trust is the foundation of the dog-owner relationship. ©StockSnap / Pixabay

Keep calm

In order to establish a relationship of trust with the dog, it is first of all necessary to approach him delicately and speak to him in a low voice, avoiding sudden movements that could scare him or trigger his fight or flight instinct.

Respect his space

For a dog to feel at ease, you need to give him time to settle into his new home. Offer everything he needs and give him time to explore and get used to the new routine.

Get level with the dog

Never approach a dog from the front, always approach from the side instead. Kneel next to the dog and look in the same direction. This puts you in the dog’s personal space but in a non-confrontational way.

Let the dog come to you

When a dog approaches you, it lets you know that he is interested. If he sniffs your hand and sits calmly, you can pet him and make him cuddle. But he only strokes the front of the chest. Don’t try to touch an unfamiliar dog from above. If he licks your hand, it’s a sign that he accepts you, but if he turns his head or ignores you, it means that the four-legged isn’t interested.

Take a walk

Once your new dog is a member of your family, the best way to build trust with a dog is to take it for a walk. This shows that you are the “boss” and that you will be the one to give him direction and protection. Maintain a calm but firm and confident approach and your new canine companion will feel safe whenever he is with you.

How to win the trust of an abused dog?

If you plan to adopt a dog, you will need to follow this procedure for a while, even after the animal has joined your family.

But bringing a dog into your home from a kennel can be even more of a challenge, especially if it has existing issues. You need to build trust with your new canine friend and work to improve their confidence. Here are some tips to help you gain the trust of an abused or behaviorally challenged dog.

It takes a big heart and a lot of patience to adopt a dog that has been abused. But there is nothing more rewarding than giving work back to such a dog. It will really be worth spending all the time, effort and patience to earn his trust!

How do you regain your dog’s trust?

If something happened that made you lose your dog’s trust, then it’s important to work hard to get your relationship back on track as soon as possible.

Keep all interactions positive and kind between you and your pooch, using praise, rewards, and obedience training to regain your dog’s trust.

Stay calm and positive

Sit quietly with your dog and don’t force exchanges with him but just let him come to you. Every time he comes to sit next to you, reward him with reward snacks.

If your puppy seems aggressive, shy, or even fearful, ignore him. Repeat this exercise every day for at least 15 minutes. Ultimately you can focus on rewarding the dog the day he approaches you.

Build a bond through play

Dogs love to play, so get your pup involved in a game you know he enjoys. If he growls at you or tries to bite you while playing, stop playing immediately and leave the room to give your canine friend a break for a few minutes. This teaches your dog that aggressive behavior is not acceptable and allows you to calm down.

Dog training

Use obedience training sessions to teach your puppy basic obedience commands with positive reinforcement and rewards when he shows the desired behavior.

Learning obedience commands will build your pet’s confidence when they are around you and help you gain your dog’s trust.

Trust is at the heart of the most loving, respectful, and long-lasting relationships in the human world. In the canine world it is not much different.

Knowing the basics of how to build trust with your dog or regain their trust may not always be as quick and easy as we would like, but the benefits of developing that loving and deep bond with your canine companion will be worth all the time and effort. the effort you put into it!

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