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Happy spring equinox! If you have a dog or a cat, pay attention to these things

Spring has arrived and with the new season dogs and cats can be affected by it hormonal imbalance that the heat brings. Therefore, it may happen that you have to keep some physical or behavioral changes under control, but not only.

We must not forget the presence of certain parasites that can infest the hair of the animals, which typically happens in spring and during the summer. That’s all the stages to mark on the spring calendar.

The heat season begins!

Usually the female dog and same-sex cat in spring they go into heat. This means that their body undergoes hormonal changes that prepare it for mating.

Unlike dogs, cats do not shed blood and do not ovulate unless they mate, but the attraction they exert on the animal of the opposite sex is the same.

So be careful, if your pet is not sterilized, during the heat period, to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Above all, don’t be surprised if outside your garden gate there is a line of 4-legged suitors.

Beware of processionaries, fleas and ticks

In spring there is a rather serious danger for dogs and cats: the processionary moth. This moth is very dangerous to animals when in its caterpillar state. Its skin is in fact covered by stinging hairs, which if they come into contact with the most delicate areas of the animals, such as the nose, mouth and paws, can give annoying allergic reactions.

The symptoms should not be underestimated, such as skin rashes, itching, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and intestines with vomiting and excessive salivation. Be careful therefore during walks in parks and especially in pine forests.

Another problem, but much more manageable thanks to pesticides, are ticks, fleas and mosquitoes. Don’t forget that the animal must be protected all year round, but especially when spring arrives.

The moulting season is coming: let’s change the fur!

A stage that marks the change of season is move it. Many, but not all, dogs shed twice a year: in the fall and in the spring. You will then notice aprofuse hair loss died, in favor of the birth of new hair.

This is a natural process, which occurs spontaneously in many breeds and is absolutely nothing to worry about. Equip yourself with an ad hoc brush and glove, for check the fall and help the replacement of the coat.

Read also: 5 tips for dogs and cats in Spring

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