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Hairless cat: the list of breeds

If your heart belongs to felines, but you are not fond of hair in the house, the hairless catit’s right for you!

Did you know that there are different breeds of hairless cats? And did you know that these Kittens need special attention to their fur-free skin? Don’t worry, we at Todocat tell you everything there is to know about these very special specimens.

Why are hairless cats… hairless?!?

Hairless cats are “naked” due to a genetic mutation of the HR gene (from the English hairless) which, being recessive, is transmitted from one generation to another without being visible until a mating takes place between two cats that have had the same mutations.

What is the origin of the hairless cat?

The origin of the hairless cat dates back to the Egyptian period. Images depicting naked cats were also found in the finds of South American civilizations, but it was only in 1966 that their breeding began in the United States.

Where can I buy a hairless cat?

The hairless cat can be purchased from any professional breeder who deals with the breed. It is therefore important to know which breed is being referred to.

Here they are listed one after the other!

Hairless Egyptian cat: the Sphynx

The Sphynx is the naked cat par excellence! © Pixabay

The hairless cat par excellence is the Sphynx. We are talking about the naked Egyptian Micio, actually coming from Canada, but whose name pays homage to Bastet, the Egyptian goddess.

The absence of fur can give the impression that this specimen is fragile, but in reality it is a cat with a good and healthy physical structure that enjoys good health in general. His character is very balanced.

What are hairless cats called?

Perhaps not everyone knows it, but in addition to the Egyptian hairless cat, there are other hairless cat breeds, some of which were born from crossings with a Sphynx. Let’s see what they are in detail.

Donskoy o Don sphynx

This breed is often confused with the Sphynx. ©Shutterstock

The Don sphynx, also known as the Donskoy, is a breed of cat of Russian origin – its name comes from the Don River. These specimens look so similar to the Sphynx that it was long believed that they were its descendants.

In fact, scientific research has shown that it is an independent breed. The Don sphynx is balanced like the Sphynx, but more sociable!


This breed can be born with fur. ©Shutterstock

The Peterbald is one of the most expensive cat breeds in the world. It was developed by crossing the Foreign White and the Donskoy.

Cats of this breed have a lean, muscular body with large ears and a long, whip-like tail. The paws are long and strong throughout. The skin is thick and dense, there are wrinkles. Puppies born with fur lose it in adulthood.

The Peterbald is a good family cat. Like other hairless cats, it needs regular bathing and protection from anything that could harm its skin.

Elf cat

If you’re ready to be truly amazed, the Elf Cat is for you. Not only for the total lack of hair on the body, but because this specimen also has folded ears, just like an elf!

This very special Puss is the result of crossing Sphynx and American Curl.

Little curiosity: the Elf cat is the heaviest specimen among the naked cat breeds, it could in fact weigh up to 10 kg!


The Levkoy is a Ukrainian specimen. ©Shutterstock

Il Levkoy it is a very recent breed from the Ukraine. It is a specimen recognized in 2011 and born from the beautiful mix of the Donskoy with the Scottish Fold.

The breed is known for its distinctive appearance which includes ears folded inward, of course, the absence of fur. Their friendly nature and outgoing demeanor make them good family pets.

Baby cat

The Bambino cat, or simply Bambino, is a very recent specimen born from the cross between a Sphynx and a Munchin (one of the smallest cats in the world). The short legs and the hairless coat are clear proof of the two breeds of which this cute kitten is the result.

Like the Sphynx, the colors of this specimen can vary. They have large, broad ears and a whip-like tail. These cats also need regular grooming and sun protection due to their hairlessness.

How much does a hairless cat cost?

Il price of a hairless cat varies depending on the specimen. Naturally, given the rarity of these breeds, the cost can be high: it is estimated that on average a naked cat costs from 1500 euros.

How to take care of a bald cat?

Whether it’s a Sphynx or a Child cat it doesn’t matter, these specimens need special attention due to the fact that they have no hair or undercoat to protect their body.

Hairless cats need one constant attention to their skin as excess sebum could lead to the accumulation of impurities. It will therefore be necessary from an early age to get your cat used to bathing with the use of specific detergents.

In the summer, if the cat goes out, a special sun lotion must be applied to ensure that it does not get burned, while in the winter a sweater will protect it on the coldest days.

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