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First dog: which one to choose?

Choosing to get a dog for the first time is a big decision. Between curiosity and impatience to begin this adventure, we need to think carefully about which specimen is suitable for our lifestyle, but not only.

Today we talk about which dog to choose as first dog. To make the right decision, a lot of factors need to be taken into consideration. So let’s see some useful advice on how to choose the best.

How to choose the right dog for me?

Choosing the first dog is really a delicate matter. To have the best chance of a successful adoption and an experience full of emotions and complicity, it is important to choose a dog that is sociable, easy to train, calm and obedient, but also a dog that is suitable for your lifestyle .

To help you find the ideal first dog, here’s what to consider:

  • The dog size: for a first dog, the ideal is a specimen of medium size, or possibly a small breed.
  • Il character: It’s best to choose a dog breed that is easy to train, obedient and quiet, and is sociable enough to tolerate visitors. Finally, a dog that barks little or not at all is preferable.
  • Treatment: A dog that requires little maintenance and care is much easier for a beginner to adopt.

It is also important that the animal is easy to transport and that it can accompany you whenever you need it.

Which dog to choose as your first dog?

It is preferable that your pet’s needs are in line with your habits and your lifestyle: there are specimens that are perfect for sportsmen, but also others more suitable for couch potatoes.

When it comes to non-purebred dogs, it is more complicated to know the inclinations of a specimen, but this discourse changes when it comes to recognized breeds.

The breeds, in fact, have their own tendencies that can be identified from the birth of the puppy, precisely for genetic reasons. If you are adopting a dog for the first time, choosing a purebred specimen allows you to know the character tendencies of the specimen and therefore to avoid (as far as possible!) unwanted surprises.

How to choose a dog breed?

When choosing to adopt a dog for the first time, there are many breeds that are best suited for first-time adopters. Naturally the selection criteria are individual, but to avoid difficulties, it is generally better to opt for the breeds considered more “easier” to breed.

What are easy dog ​​breeds to handle?

Some of the easiest breeds to manage are:

First dog and owner’s lifestyle

Choosing the first dog is not a matter of luck. One of the most important factors is that it is suitable for the owner’s lifestyle.

If they are sedentary people, an athletic and sporty dog ​​could suffer from a mainly apartment life. Conversely, a sedentary dog ​​could suffer with an overly sporty owner. If you are often away from home, you shouldn’t choose a dog that can’t stand being alone.

How to best choose a first apartment dog?

If you prefer a sedentary lifestyle, it’s best to avoid choosing an athletic dog who will need to exercise for several hours a day. If he fails to meet his needs, the dog may suffer from boredom, behavioral problems and depression, may run away or destroy objects in the house.

Here is a list of the less active specimens, able to live in the house or in an apartment:

These specimens are known to be affectionate, sociable and intelligent. Obedient, they are easy to train and are pleasant companions for children and for elderly or lonely people.

First dog: which specimen to choose for a sportsman?

For sporty owners who love hiking, walking in the woods or running, it is preferable to adopt a dog that can be by their side. Thus, these sports sessions will be an opportunity to exercise with the owner and share good times together, thus strengthening the bond and complicity.

Here are the active, dynamic, playful dog breeds, but also easy to live with and train, which could be suitable for sporty owners:

Dogs not suitable for beginners

We end with a list of dog breeds that are not lacking in quality, indeed, and that are excellent companions, but that have very specific needs making them difficult as first dogs.

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