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February 17 Cat Day: 10 Ways to Celebrate


Ilenia Colombo

Posted on updated the

Il February 17 is National Cat Day; that’s right, a whole day dedicated to our pet tigers! 😍 Even though every day should be dedicated to attention and care for our animals, this is the special day to celebrate, love and take even more care of the well-being of our feline friends.

So, without further ado, let’s find out the best ones 10 ways to celebrate Cat Day today February 17: browse the gallery!

Some info on the February 17 Cat Day

They have been with us for nearly 9,000 years, they are among the world’s most popular pets, our adorable cats are much-loved members of families around the world.

Why are cats celebrated in Italy on February 17?

There are several explanations why cats are celebrated in Italy on February 17, including:

  • February is the month of the zodiac sign Aquarius, symbol of freedomlike cats;
  • February is also considered the month of cats and witches, as well as 17, considered for centuries a number of bad luck. Date chosen then for dispel a legend so stupid;
  • The number 17, anagram in Roman numerals is VIXIwhich means “I lived”, a verb that is very suitable for felines, since popular belief has it that Micio has 7 lives.

The opportunities of the Day of the cat

  • Take some time to connect with your four-legged friends
  • Provide fun and mental stimulation for your feline
  • Commemorates the special bond between man and cat
  • Support the well-being and safety of cats in general

10 ways to celebrate Cat Day

If you want to celebrate National Cat Day by doing something special for a feline, check out the suggestions by browsing the photo gallery above.

Here are some ideas for celebrating Cat Day on February 17:

  1. Adopt a cat (or two!) from a local shelter
  2. Volunteer at a shelter near your home
  3. Make donations to animal organizations and facilities
  4. Offer more time and cuddles for your kitty!
  5. Prepare some homemade snacks for your kitty

This list is not exhaustive. To learn about all 10 ways to celebrate Cat Day on February 17, browse the photo gallery at the top of the page ☝️

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