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Everything you need to know in January if you have a cat

The first month of the year brings some challenges for our animal friends: cold, rain and snow are the order of the day in January.

So here are some suggestions for spending a carefree winter in the company of our beloved cat.

January resolutions for cat owners

In January we usually think about good resolutions for the new year. Why not consider a few for the benefit of our tailed friend?

Our 3 recommendations:

  • More fun! Playing and spending loving moments together strengthens the bond between cat and owner.
  • Healthier eating: many cats are overweight, which is why it is important to reduce the number of snacks between meals, favoring healthier snacks instead.
  • More pampering and well-being: grooming sessions are often an obligatory stop for long-haired cats, to prevent the fur from tangling and that Micio from ingesting the hairballs. However, in general, cats will appreciate a little extra petting and attention!

Dangers of winter for cats

What to pay attention to in January and what measures to implement for the good of our feline friend? Here are the two main dangers of winter for our pet tigers.

Cats and the cold

Cats resist the cold better than humans, as they have a higher body temperature (38.5° on average) than ours. If Puss has a habit of going outside from time to time, he will continue to do so even if it’s cold.

Keep calm, will come home when will he hear the need to find some heat again!

Particular attention should be paid, however, if the animal suffers from rheumatism or osteoarthritis or if it is ill: in these cases we must not let him leave the house but offer him a warm place within the home. Also, if your cat gets cold, you need to take him to the vet.

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Watch out for cars!

During the winter the cats sneak around under cars or between the engine looking for some warmth.

Before starting the machine, therefore, it is advisable to give some bumps on the vehicle to possibly make the feline escape.

Cat coat care in winter

During the cold season, cats they moltthat is, they lose a part of the hair which will be replaced by a thicker coat suitable for winter.

Regular care of the feline coat is therefore important, which also helps to remove dead hair and allows the new one to grow back, as well as promoting skin blood circulation.

Should cats eat more in cold weather?

If the animal lives in a warm house without going out, it is not necessary to change its diet in winter.

However, if the cat lives in conditions of semi-freedom, i.e. it can enter and leave the house as it pleases, it is recommended to feed it with meals richer in animal protein.