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Epilepsy in dogs: symptoms, nutrition and advice

Epilepsy in dogs and nutrition are closely related because a healthy and specific diet can help keep the disease under control. In fact, epilepsy is a chronic disease that affects the brain and causes seizures.

Unfortunately, there is no cure that can eradicate the disease, but certainly there are drugs that can help, as well as an ad hoc studied diet. Suffering from this disorder means having several epileptic seizures over time, a sort of brain tilt, which causes tremors and loss of consciousness, among other symptoms.

To understand which diet is most suitable for a dog with epileptic seizures, it is good to do it first a brief picture of this diseasein order to have clear ideas.

Why do dogs get seizures?

Dogs suffering from epilepsy are subject to seizures, more or less frequent, caused by an over-stimulation of the neurotransmitters to damage the neurons. When the stimulus is continuous and excessive, it explodes in an epileptic seizure, in fact.

Epileptic seizure is a terrible condition, especially for those who witness it at the moment and even worse if it is a dog who suffers from it. The feeling is that of feel completely helpless.

How does dog epilepsy manifest itself?

I symptoms of epilepsy in dogs I am difficult to define because, unlike humans, it is difficult to read the electroencephalographic tracing in dogs and this makes everything more difficult, even to be diagnosed with certainty. There are many attitudes, which can also be confused with other types of pathologies, typical of epilepsy, such as:

  • fidgeting around nervously;
  • the contraction of the lips;
  • eyelid twitching;
  • fainting.

In the most critical phase, also called convulsive, the dog stiffensgrinds his teeth and loses a lot of saliva.

Difficult, in this case, to confuse epilepsy with other diseases, as these are the most characteristic symptoms and also the most evident.

What can epilepsy seizures cause in dogs?

The causes of epilepsy in dogs can fall into three groups: genetic, structural and unknown.

In the first case, there is no brain damage, but it is only hereditary. The puppy may have inherited the disease from a parent and then develop it as he gets older.

In the most frequent cases, epilepsy is caused by brain damage. A strong blow to the head, the ingestion of toxic foods and anything that could damage the neurons of the brain structure can represent a concrete cause.

Finally there are too situations where the cause remains unknown or that cannot be diagnosed, until after the animal’s death, by autopsy.

Understanding the cause is important, both to prescribe the right treatment to keep the disease under control, but also to decide the most suitable power supply to a dog suffering from epileptic seizures.

Epilepsy in dogs and nutrition: why is it important?

Treating an epileptic dog’s diet is important because the necessary and daily use of medicines to manage this disease can put a strain on the animal’s kidneys, liver and stomach.

Not creating further damage with an unbalanced diet can be useful keep the dog healthy.

Furthermore, it has been scientifically ascertained that in men a diet based on good fats and proteins, but low in carbohydrates, can slow down the frequency of seizures. The same principle can be associated with animals.

Food for dogs with epilepsy

The vets of Sant’Anna veterinary clinicin the province of Pavia, have ascertained that by adopting a diet with a very low carbohydrate content, the dogs being treated immediately showed improvements, while continuing to take the pharmacological therapy, the only possible “solution”.

Foods for dogs with epilepsy are therefore rich in proteinwith a moderate amount of fiber and supplemented with vitamins and essential fatty acids (such as Omega 3).

What to do if your dog has epilepsy?

Obviously first of all it is absolutely da avoid DIY. It must be the veterinarian, after having studied the causes of the form of epilepsy that your dog has, to establish which type of diet to follow.

Furthermore, if it is important to take care of the diet, preferring fats and proteins, it is good in the same way avoid excess carbohydrates and even more that of sugars, refined and not. So beware of potatoes, bread, pasta, rice, but above all biscuits, cakes and industrial products.

Finally, just as it is advisable to avoid glycemic swings, limiting sugars to the minimum necessary, it is also advisable to switch from a diet made up of commercial foods, to fresh home-cooked food.

In all cases, trust your vetwho will be able to show you the right way to go if you have a dog suffering from epilepsy.

Article reviewed by:

Francesco Reina
Veterinary assistant

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