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Dog restless in spring: why?

Dog restless in spring? Asking why is legitimate and the causes are many but, fortunately, there is little or nothing to worry about, because it is almost always a physiological restlessness linked to the change of seasons in dogs and which, in all probability, will pass as it arrived.

To be more relaxed, however, it is good to know the most common causes of this dog agitation and behavior change.

1. Lights and climatic changes in the summer

The number one cause of an agitated dog in spring is related to climate change and light.

In the first place, in fact, when the days get longer, even the house dog feels a bit lost and hyperactive and can show restless behavior, especially in the evening hours. Get him used to it!

How to calm an agitated dog in spring?

To overcome this agitation of the dogs at home, it might be advisable to lengthen the daily walks a little so as to leave the furry friend a little more time to let off steam and have fun so that in the evening, being more tired, he has less difficulty to let go in the arms of Morpheus despite the light.

What to do with climate change?

On the other hand, as far as climate change is concerned sudden changes in temperature are inevitable but, especially when the four-legged lives in a warm house, it will help to use a waterproof coat during his walks as well as the habit of drying it well when he returns home so as not to leave the dog’s coat damp.

2. Parasites in the dog’s body

Among the causes that can lead to spring shaking in dogs, then, there are i external parasites. In fact, fleas and ticks tend to reappear with the first heat, causing a behavior problem for pets.

In this case the best choice to relax the dog is that of prevention: the vet, in fact, will be able to indicate the most suitable product for your hyperactive four-legged friend among the many available on the market to avoid insect bites on pets and you will have to follow his advice to the letter.

3. Dog agitated due to an allergy

If the dogs are a little more “stimulated” than usual, it could also be to blame an allergy. Not even female dogs, in fact, are immune from spring pollen allergies and show their discomfort with constant scratching which can cause redness or even cause injuries.

In this case it will be necessary consult a veterinarian to get useful advice and establish the cause of its itching and to be able to intervene promptly, whether it is a puppy or not.

4. Even the dog in heat must be calmed down!

There are different dynamics, causes and contributing factors that lead the behavior of dogs to agitate. If we talk about a dog, its cause of restlessness could be attributable to estrous cycle. On average a bitch goes into heat twice a year giving us ethological and physiological signals which, if we pay attention, are clear and unequivocal.

A clear swelling of your genital area and small bleeding are the symptoms of heat that, more than all, justify this phase.

Cycle length varies from 2 to 4 weeks (on average 21 days) from the beginning of our bitch’s sexual maturity which begins at 7 months in toy breeds and more than 10 months in giant breeds.

In this period the sociability of the bitch will change significantly both in relations with humans and with conspecifics (above all of the male gender).

In this case it will be useful to be patient in order to better manage and help prevent what are real mood swings when the dog is under stress.

Article reviewed by:

Joseph Terlizzi
Veterinary doctor

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