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Dog nail clippers: our selection

Discover our selection of dog nail clippers.

© Ericaaa / Shutterstock


Anna Paola Bellini

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Claws that are too long can cause a lot of pain and other serious problems: bad posture, poor development of the spine, lameness, etc. This is why it is important to use the dog nail clippers regularly.

In the wild, the claws wear out when Fido runs or walks regularly, but the elderly, sick or simply not moving enough, do not have the opportunity to give their nails the necessary length. There is therefore a need to cut them.

How to do? The ideal is to use a dog nail clipper.

Complete the dog’s first aid kit with the most suitable nail accessories to take care of Fido safely and create a real moment of complicity! Our comparison will help you choose the best ones.

Why is it important to cut your dog’s nails?

Just like human fingernails, dog claws are constantly growing. If they have not been sufficiently worn out by contact with the ground (for example, in the case of an elderly dog ​​who does not exercise much anymore), it is important to trim them regularly: too long claws can lead to a series of more or less serious problems.

First of all, it is not pleasant for the dog, who may have difficulty moving correctly as he distributes his weight differently and adopts an abnormal posture, which in the long run can lead to spinal problems.

Too long nails cause difficulty walking and can lead to severe lameness. In general, too long nails greatly impair a dog’s quality of life.

How to clean a dog’s nails?

To clean your dog’s nails, you can use suitable wipes to use on both paw pads and nails whenever Fido returns from a walk, to remove mud and dirt from under his claws.

It is also important to regularly disinfect its paws with soap and water, not only to clean its claws, but it will also ensure that there are no foreign objects trapped between its pads.

After cutting his nails, clean his paws with a small compress to remove any residue between the pads.

When to cut your dog’s nails?

If you hear a clicking noise on the floor when the dog walks, it means that his claws are too long. In general, when your pet is standing or sitting with its front paws on the ground, the dog’s nails should not touch the ground! If so, the time has come to cut them.

The nails are also too long when they start growing sideways: this usually happens when they are so long that they can no longer grow towards the ground.

Cutting a claw is also necessary if the dog injures himself, to let the wound heal thoroughly.

How to cut dogs’ nails?

If the dog’s nails are too long, use a nail clippers or small scissors specific for dogs.

The help of a lamp to make sure you are cutting the right spot is necessary. You can also prepare a balm to massage Fido’s paws and pads once the cut has been faked.

Throughout the process it is important to reassure the animal: caress it to relax it and show it the different tools you are about to use.

To prevent nails from bleeding, it is important have a clear view of the area to be cut. Like those of cats, dogs’ nails are also supplied with blood vessels to a certain extent. You should then cut to the point where the pots begin.

If possible, cut the nail parallel to the base so that it grows back properly.

Do dog claws grow back?

Dog nails grow constantlythat’s why they must be cut regularly, without damaging the pulp.

If Fido breaks a claw, it will grow back as if it had been cut, but if it tears off the root while playing, it may not grow back.

CautionIf your dog limps or licks his paw persistently, check his nails immediately. He may have injured himself and therefore needs a visit to the vet. As a first aid, consider disinfecting the area. The presence of blood will help assess the severity of the injury.

How to best take care of your dog’s nails?

If you cut a claw too deep and injure the animal, don’t panic. While it is impressive, it is a superficial wound and you need to maintain your lucidity to properly care for the animal. Use a sterile compress by putting pressure on the claw to stop the bleeding. You can also soak the injured claw in an antiseptic powder. Disinfect and allow to air dry.

To keep the dog’s nails in good condition, it is possible too file them from time to time. This will lengthen the length of time between cuts.

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