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Do dogs suffer from the cold?

Se dogs suffer from the cold is a very common question. One would think that thanks to their very thick skin and, in some cases, their thick fur, our faithful four-legged friend is at ease even when the temperatures are very low.

It’s really like this? In this article we talk about the dog and its relationship with low temperatures to find out how to deal with Fido when the temperature is low.

Do dogs suffer from the cold like us?

The dog’s organism is more resistant to low temperatures than that of humans: most dogs, in fact, tolerate low or high temperatures better than us.

However this resistance can vary and even Fido can take a “cold shock”, fall ill or, in the most serious cases, die of cold if he is not sheltered and the temperatures drop dramatically.

For this reason, even if the dog is used to sleeping outdoors, it is necessary to think about give it a place that is isolated from the ground and can protect it in case of rain and low temperatures.

Why do dogs suffer from the cold?

Dogs suffer from the cold due to several factors. First of all we must specify that the type of cold that occurs may be more or less bearable for Fido: even for our animal friends, in fact, the dry cold it is easier to tolerate than the wet one.

Even the thickness of the fur, the age of the dog and its size can be determining factors for whether or not the dog suffers from a low temperature.

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Caution: the undercoat is one of the most important anatomical components in determining whether a dog suffers from the cold or not. If this component is very thick, the dog tolerates low temperatures better.

How do you tell if a dog is cold?

But what are the signs to understand if Fido is cold? The main sign is that he is reluctant to go to a external environment even to go do his needs. If Fido is shaking and his truffle is dry or dripping, it could mean that he is cold.

A dog that is cold is constantly alert search for heat sources. Therefore Fido will want to sleep near these sources (heaters, stoves, sofas and beds) and will also be more lethargic.

To overcome this problem, it is possible to dress the dog or place his kennel in a warmer environment, perhaps enriched by a few wool blankets.

Dog breeds that do not suffer from the cold

We must also take into account that some races are more predisposed to suffer from the cold, compared to others. THE long and thick haired dogs or some breeds native to places where low temperatures are the norm are lucky enough to be able to resist better in the event of a sub-zero thermometer.

Here are the dog breeds that are absolutely at ease even when the temperatures are low:

Dog breeds that tolerate the cold

On the other hand, there are some dogs that do not particularly like low temperatures, but adapt to them with simplicity:

What are the dog breeds that suffer from the cold?

In principle, the dogs that suffer the most from the cold are puppies, seniors, small breeds and especially, without undercoat. The breeds most sensitive to a low temperature are:

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How to keep dogs warm inside and outside the house?

If Fido is particularly sensitive to the cold, it is advisable to buy him, or make him a coat for dogs that will allow him to maintain body temperature at a normal level so you can walk without any risk.

It’s also important avoid shaving it during the winter, wash him as little as possible and protect his paws with protective socks and creams (for example, when walking in the snow).

If Fido lives in the garden, it is advisable to buy or set up a kennel so that he can shelter in case of rain and low temperatures.

It’s important ask your vet for advice before the cold season arrives to understand how to behave. In fact, we must respect the dog and not take every opportunity to dress it just because we think it may have the same problems that we humans have.

Caution: in case of doubts about the dog’s resistance to cold, it is advisable to consult the vet who, if necessary, will take stock of the dog’s state of health and will be able to give the most suitable advice for facing the winter.