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Do cats understand when you kiss them? Understanding the signs of affection

Felines are mysterious, mischievous animals, a little crazy for sure, but very, very sweet. Any self-respecting cat lover knows that cats love in their own way and sometimes it is hard to interpret their thoughts.

And so after yet another rejected kiss, you haven’t resigned yourself to the thought that your cat may not love fuss. Rather, a doubt has arisen that could be the key to the mystery: but cats understand when you kiss them? And what are cat kisses instead?

In this article the answer!

Do cats understand when you kiss them?

Not exactly. Cats soon learn to understand that our kisses are gestures of affection, but they are not aware of what and why we are doing it.

What cats think when you kiss them so? Some seem totally indifferent to our expressions of affection, others almost annoyed, others still do not wait for the moment of cuddles.

To begin to remove some doubts it is useful to observe the cat’s body language:

  • If the cat lowers its ears, its tail, and moves away from us, you have probably chosen the wrong time for cuddling.
  • If, on the other hand, he leans his head towards you and starts purring, you will know that your feline is (momentarily) available to caress!

Sometimes it seems that cats understand when you kiss them, but usually they decide if they want to or not!

Do cats like kisses?

Even if cats understand when you kiss them relatively, it doesn’t mean they can’t love this human ritual. Some people really like being kissedso much that they learn to hold out their heads to be filled with kisses.

Others prefer more reserved displays of affection. A puppy kitten, on the other hand, can learn to desire this gesture when it wants to cuddle itself in the arms of its owner.

Why do kittens kiss?

Sometimes it may seem like kittens are kissing each other. In fact, the grooming that cats practice on each other is a gesture of affection, which indicates a deep bond. Cats that don’t get along don’t “kiss” each other!

Experience with these 4-legged cats teaches that not all cats love kisses, but they show their feelings in a different way, which we might find bizarre as much as they find our sticky kisses bizarre!

“Cat’s kiss” and other ways to communicate affection

The cat also has its own way of communicating that it has chosen you as its master.

The most curious is the so-called “Cat kiss”, the feline equivalent of our kiss: the cat slowly closes its eyes and then opens them again. When two cats look at each other like this they are saying: “I’m fine, I’m happy and peaceful”.

The same particular gesture is also repeated towards his human masters and the people with whom he feels comfortable. Try to caress him in his favorite spot and see if his eyelids slowly close and reopen. Isn’t this love?

He rubs his muzzle against us

Rubbing against us or putting the muzzle against our face is one of the signs of affection of the cat. Around his mouth and on his face, Micio has numerous glands that release pheromones, chemicals that he uses to communicate many different sensations. In this way they literally brand us with their affection.

Comes with a high tail

If a cat comes to us with his tail high, it is a sign that our presence makes him happy. This behavior has ancient origins and has been handed down to the domestic cat.

The high tail allows in fact a mother cat to know with a quick glance if all her little ones are okay.

He brings us some little gifts

When the cat shows up with small prey, such as birds or mice, it is actually a sign of affection from the cat. Mother cat in nature trains her kittens to hunt, so this gesture means that she considers us a full member of the family.

This attitude should not be punished, but rather discouraged by preventing the cat from coming into contact with possible vectors of diseases, and nevertheless to decimate the populations of birds.

If your cat has access to wide open spaces, protect him carefully, even more so if you are used to kissing the cat!

How to give a cat a feline kiss?

Eye contact in the cat kingdom is very important as we will see, even in displays of affection. If cats seem to understand when we kiss them to a certain extent, the solution is to give kisses “his way”.

To give your cat a “feline” kiss, we can touch our face on its muzzle, just like it does.

The odorous glands placed around the mouth they allow him to release his smell on us, which indicates that he recognizes us “as his property”: Micio will certainly appreciate and recognize this gesture from those who love the most!

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