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Deworm the cat? Here’s what to watch out for!

Deworm the cat it is one of the first good actions that must be done when we bring a cat into the house, especially if it is a newborn puppy. In this guide we address the problem of worms in cats and related deworming of kittens.

Why do cats need to be dewormed? What happens if you don’t? What are the symptoms of worms in cats? Below are the answers to these and many other questions.

Worms in cats: what are the symptoms?

Realize that the cat has worms it is not an easy undertaking, unless the worms in question have already reached an advanced stage and are therefore visible in the cat’s feces. Your cat may have worms if it suffers from:

If these symptoms are found, it is necessary to go to the vet who will know how to act and which drugs to prescribe for our furry friend.

What are cat worms?

The parasites that can infest our cat are different and very numerous. Among the most common we find:

  • the heartworms (transmitted by mosquito bite);
  • the it had (whose eggs are often visible in the stool as white dots);
  • hookworms (which insinuate themselves into the small intestine following the ingestion of their larvae).

To these we must add the most common among the felines, i Nematodesa family of parasites responsible for diarrhea, as well as constipation, but also for anemia and a general malaise.

In most cases these worms are transmitted from mother to puppies through the placenta or during lactation through mother’s milk.

What does deworming a cat mean?

As soon as we take a cat into the house, an accurate one cannot be missing from the first things to do veterinary visit in which the specialist will prescribe future vaccines and probably deworming drugs to the cat, even if our domestic tiger does not necessarily show signs of illness.

Deworming your cat is a vital act that eliminates parasites from their body that can be dangerous.

When to deworm cats and how often?

Very young kittens are most at risk, so it is advisable to deworm them (from sixth week of life up to six months) once a month up to six months.

If we have welcomed into the house a young adult must be dewormed as soon as possible through drugs and then make recalls.

Of course, whether it’s a kitten or an adult cat makes no difference: the opinion of the trusted veterinarian is necessary before administering any medicine to our furry roommate.

What happens if you don’t deworm a cat?

If you don’t deworm your cat, you risk compromising its health. A cat suffering from worms (whether intestinal or pulmonary) risks suffering from serious heart failure, vomiting, diarrhea and over time these risks can even be fatal.

Are cat worms contagious?

Some cat worms are contagious to humans, although the possibility of catching them is very remote indeed.

There are worms belonging to the Nematode family, roundworms which, if ingested by humans, can cause damage to internal organs.

But how is it possible to ingest the larvae present in the feces of cats? Quite simply by not following the basic hygiene rules: the larvae of worms are very small and almost invisible to the naked eye, which is why you need to clean the litter box daily and wash your hands well after cleaning it.

How to deworm a cat?

Before starting the deworming procedure, the veterinarian will ask for a cat stool sample in order to make sure of the presence of worms and to realize which type has infested the cat.

Following this examination, the specialist will prescribe a vermifuge which will be administered after one or more weeks, as we have already said, depending on the age of the cat.

Caution: Often on the internet it is possible to find articles that give false information and advertise “do-it-yourself” or “natural” deworming. Cat worms are a routine disorder, but they shouldn’t be underestimated for this reason; must be treated by a specialist.

Consult your veterinarian before making any decisions regarding your pet’s health.

How much does it cost to deworm a cat?

The price of cat deworming it varies depending on the vet and the medication he prescribes.

As a rule, however, the prescription of a wormer to be administered orally to the cat and easily available in pharmacies upon presentation of a medical prescription is preferred.

The cost of the drug can fluctuate between 13 and 15 euros.

Diarrhea after cat deworming: side effects

Since in most cases it is pharmacological treatments even the deworming of the cat can present side effects, however according to recent studies it is possible to affirm that these are very rare.

It’s about vomiting and diarrhea that your cat may experience after taking the worming treatment.

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