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Dangers for the dog in spring: what are they?

Spring has also arrived for our dog. After months and months of gray and clouds, the sun is back to being more present. Nature awakens little by little, flowers bloom, temperatures rise and the desire to go out and spend days at the park becomes as pressing for us humans as it is for Fido.

But with the arrival of the warm months, the dangers for the dog also increase in spring, which we must be careful of. Here are 5 valuable tips to be careful.

1. Dog care in spring against fleas and ticks

On sunny days, picnics and outings to the park with Fido increase considerably and so do the necessary parasite cures.

On these occasions our dog can come into contact with:

  • fleas (small insects that get into Fido’s fur and cause itching);
  • ticks (arachnids that feed on the host’s blood from the skin);
  • tapeworm (worm transmitted by infected fleas).

How to avoid an infestation? Simple: with prevention!

Treatment and prevention

The prevention and treatment of parasites for dogs passes through products marketed under the name of pesticides. We recommend their use with the arrival of fine weather.

Collars, pipettes or sprays, all types are found on the market: ask your trusted veterinarian which one is more suitable for Fido.

The types of pesticides

There are two types:

  1. Interior (also called vermifuges because they treat digestive tract parasites), which act from the inside and tend to defeat worms;
  2. exteriorsused in the treatment of skin and hair parasites.

2. The processionary

Its stinging hairs are very dangerous. In the larval stage, in fact, the processionary has a particularly stinging hair for our four-legged friends and is therefore one of the dangers for the dog in spring.

If Fido licks, bites or sniffs one of these larvae it could develop necrosis and even get to lose your tongue.

If the dog has come into contact with these larvae first wash the area with plenty of water and baking soda, in order to disinfect, and immediately warn the veterinarian who will be able to act in the most suitable way depending on the seriousness of the situation.

In most cases, it is also recommended to make the dog vomit to avoid any risk of internal contagion. Only a specialist is capable of giving the right advice on dog care in spring against the processionary moth and all the potential dangers for our pets.

3. Toxic flowers and plants for your four-legged friend

The good weather encourages gardening. Be careful as some plants can be poisonous to your dog.

Here’s one list of poisonous plants:

  • Laurel;
  • Cycas;
  • Aloe;
  • Garlic;
  • Ivy;
  • Onion;
  • Wisteria;
  • Oleander.

What to do in case of ingestion?

If Fido ingests the leaves of a toxic plant it is necessary to contact the vet immediately, informing him of which plant it is and what kind of symptoms the animal is showing. At this point the doctor will advise you what to do depending on the ingested plant.

As a rule, it is suggested to place the animal in a well-ventilated and bright placein order to closely monitor the evolution of the situation.

First aid

If the veterinarian suggests it, it will be necessary to induce vomiting by administering a solution based directly into the animal’s mouth water and salt.

This must be followed by the administration of Activated carbonto reduce the poison inside the stomach.

4. Insecticides against dog hazards

When temperatures rise, insects increase and, therefore, the possibility – or often the need – to use insecticides.

In this case, before using any product, make sure that it does not contain any ingredients that could be harmful to the animal. Or, even better, rely on natural remedies that don’t disturb anyone’s balance.

5. Dog allergies among the dangers of spring

Spring also brings with it environmental allergies, not just in humans, but in animals as well. Sneezing, coughing and breathing problems, irritation of the eyes and pads and swelling are signs that should alert you and prompt you to contact your veterinary doctor.

Only he can prescribe the antihistamine treatment more suitable for Fido.

Article reviewed by:

Francesco Reina
Veterinary assistant

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