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Cracked and dry dog ​​nose: causes and quick remedies

The dog’s nose is one of the most powerful tools with which Fido perceives the world: with over 220 million nasal receptorsis able to perceive odors 4 times “better” than us humans.

This important organ, which in dogs is called truffle, can give us an idea about the general health of our dog, but it can also be the alarm bell for some important diseases. Let’s find out the causes and remedies to cracked dog nose and dry.

What should a dog’s nose look like when it is okay?

A healthy dog’s nose usually shows up humidnot too hot, considering that its body temperature is higher than ours, it should be maintained between 37.8 ° C and 39.2 ° C. Obviously it must be free of abrasions and thickening of the skin.

Hydrated and moist

The production of small amounts of mucus in the dog is physiologicaland indicates that Fido is fine.
In fact, those small droplets of transparent mucus that peek out from the dog’s truffle have a dual function:

  • they trap odorous molecules so that the dog can examine them better: for this reason he licks his nose when he is smelling something.
  • they help in the thermoregulation of the dog in which the nose plays a key role, together with the pads of the paws.

What does it mean if the dog has a dry nose?

Even if a dog’s nose is drier than usual under certain conditions, this does not necessarily indicate that there is a problem going on.

Here are some examples:

  • when Fido becomes elderly he tends to have a drier and more chapped nose,
  • after a nap,
  • when you are dehydrated after intense physical activity,
  • when there are sudden changes in temperature,
  • in some breeds, such as the Pug and the Bulldog
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However if the nose it is dry and also warmcheck Fido’s temperature: he may have a fever.

My dog ​​has a cracked nose! What are the causes?

The nose in older dogs tends to be drier and more chapped than a younger dog, however it can be an important red flag in both puppies and adults.

The trick is to observe any changes in conformation of the dog’s nose, and of course in its behavior. In case of doubts it would be good to refer Fido to a visit to the veterinarian. In the meantime, here are some possible ones cause cracked dog nose:


If your dog has been out in the sun a little longer than usual, his nose may show symptoms of a sunburn, appearing red, hot and obviously cracked.

To avoid this problem you need to apply a UV protective cream, especially in summer. On the nose you can apply a soothing and emollient cream suitable for dogs, such as those based on aloe.


One of the most plausible causes of cracked dog nose is dog hyperkeratosis. Symptoms are manifested with thickening of the skin tissue nasal, similar to a scab.

This is due to an excess of keratin production, a substance also present in the nose and in the pads of the paws. It can be associated with changes in the pigmentation of the hair, which becomes more fragile.


Leishmaniasis can be the cause of hyperkeratosis. Other symptoms of Leishmania to observe in the dog are: sparse, brittle, dull hair; dermatitis with dandruff and thickening of the pads and nose; disproportionate nail growth.

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Hereditary nasal parakeratosis

This genetic mutation it is a hereditary condition that most commonly affects the Labrador Retriever. The disease involves the mutation of some cells that make up the nose, consequently the edge always appears thickened with the formation of crusts.


Allergies are one of the main causes of a dog’s dry nose, however it is not always easy to identify the origin. Take care of her Power supply and ask the vet if a hypoallergenic diet would be suitable for the canine patient.

Cracked dog nose remedies

In many cases, slight cracking and a dry nose can go away on their own.

In case the condition has become chronic, it is possible to give relief of dry dog ​​nose using natural remedies similar to cocoa butter that is used for humans.

Coconut oil, with its moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties, is perfect for this task. Make sure that the product does not contain any harmful substances that the dog could ingest by licking, such as zinc-based creams that are toxic to the canine liver.