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Cold paws in dogs: how to protect them, when to worry

Humans, cats, dogs, are all animals homeothermswhich are able to regulate their own body temperature independently from the environmental one.

Slight oscillations are therefore physiological, but when dogs have cold paws and at the same time show other symptoms, it is good to investigate more thoroughly. Here are the causes and remedies of cold paws in the dog.

Cold ears, nose and paws in dogs

When it is cold, our body must try to dissipate as little heat as possible, limiting the flow of blood to the main organs. This is why when winter comes, it is the distal parts of the body, such as hands and feet, that are the first to be “sacrificed”.

In the case of our wagging friends, the zone which quickly become cold are the ears and cold paws in the dog, as well as the nose.

Since dogs do not sweat like us, the dog’s paws, always in contact with the ground, play a very important role in thermoregulation. The paw pads are strong and very useful because:

  • act as insulators in case of low temperatures;
  • in case of heat, they help Fido find refreshment by placing them on a cool floor.

Do dogs feel cold in their paws?

They don’t need shoes or coats like us: dogs are genetically and structurally more predisposed than humans to withstand the cold.

However, in extreme conditions, dogs feel cold in their paws, but in some breeds this is more pronounced. Particularly in those of small size, such as:

However, when exposure to external agents, such as intense and prolonged heat or cold, the consequences can affect the health of our friends.

What does it mean if the dog has cold paws?

If the dog has taken a walk on cold ground, perhaps in the snow, it will surely have cold paws, just like we do when we don’t wear gloves in winter.

Nothing strange then, but if the dog shows other symptomsit appears unresponsive and you suspect it may have something wrong, here’s what you need to know about cold paws in dogs.

Cold paws in dogs: a symptom of illness?

The dog’s normal temperature is higher than ours: when the thermometer measures between 38 and 39.2 ° C, we know that Fido does not have a fever.

Cold paws in dogs are therefore not a direct manifestation of a problem, but they can be a cause for concern if associated with other symptoms, such as a too high body temperature: in this case, contact your veterinarian immediately.

How to tell if your dog has a fever without a thermometer?

The truffle should be observed and touched: if it is dry and hotter than usual, there could be this possibility, but it is obviously not a precise method. Other symptoms of fever are:

  • Shiny eyes;
  • Warm ears
  • Lethargy;
  • Wheezing and irregular breathing;
  • Tiredness.

If you notice these symptoms in your dog, contact your vet and follow his instructions.

Diseases of dogs with cold paws

If the dog has cold paws and you notice that it is not the same as usual, it may not necessarily be fever, but it may be something more.

Periodically checking our dog’s health is important to avoid unpleasant surprises: a check-up it can be useful to detect the 2 main diseases associated with the symptom of cold paws of the dog and to investigate any clinical aspects.

Circulation problems

Circulation problems can cause less blood flow to the limbs which are colder. This may be due to some heart problems which should be investigated as soon as possible.

I tripped the shock

The dog’s cold paws can be cold even if the dog has had a traumatic accident, or in the case of a blood thrombus, but it will certainly show in these cases the appearance of more serious symptoms.

A test that you can do quickly to check the microcirculation of the dog is the capillary filling time: apply rapid pressure on the gum with your finger. It will have to go back from “white” to the original color in 1-2 seconds. If it takes longer there may be a problem.


Hypothyroidism is a condition that often emerges already in the puppy. This pathology slows down the dog’s metabolism, making it lethargic, with a tendency to gain weight, loss of hair and intolerance to low temperatures. Some breeds are particularly predisposed to it, such as the Pinscher and the Boxer.

However they exist other possible pathological causes to cold paws in dogs, such as autoimmune diseases, anemia, sepsis, so it is important to make sure of Fido’s general health conditions.

How to protect cold paws in dogs

If the walks with your friend are on cold and desolate lands, or even Fido lives outside the home, there are some measures that you can take to prevent redness and cold burns, which can be very disabling for the dog just like those from asphalt, to the point of causing him to limp.

Apply a protective conditioner

You can apply a protective cream or a specific conditioner that soothes and protects the skin of the pads, simulating a protective layer, which you will have to reapply every few hours depending on your needs.

Make sure you choose a product non-toxic and specially formulated, as our friend may try to lick his paws!

Take care of its paws

After each walk, dry gently without rubbing Fido’s paws. If they are particularly cold you can dip them in warm water and dry them well with a hair dryer at medium temperature.

Trim excess hair that traps snow and bacteria, which could easily come into contact with small lesions on the paw.

Use the shoes

In case your dog has leg injuries, or is particularly sensitive to snow or cold, you can try the shoes for dogs. A period of adaptation will be necessary: ​​if your dog is obedient, after having failed a few attempts at rebellion, he may even convince himself to keep them during the walk!

Cold paws in dogs need not worry you, unless you have noticed other suspicious attitudes or manifestations. For any doubts, contact your veterinarian, and remember the importance of periodic checks, which can anticipate and prevent the most frequent diseases, even of cold paws in dogs!

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