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Chipping a cat – how and how to do it?

A cat chip can be associated with something unpleasant or undesirable. After all, it is a foreign body that is placed in a beloved quadruped. None of us would like to be constantly tracked. It is quite different with cats. In fact, there is nothing wrong with chipboarding. If your cat leaves the house, it’s a good idea to chip it in order to keep it safe. What exactly is it needed for? Read on to find out.

Chipping cats – what is it actually about?

To chip a cat is to place a tiny microprocessor under its skin. It is implanted in the neck, between the shoulder blades. Once implanted, a cat chip remains in the animal’s body for its entire life. It is a tiny and sterile device that does not disturb and does not cause any discomfort.

The cat chip procedure is very simple and quick. The vet uses a special syringe, which is factory-fitted with one chip. All you need to do is insert the needle into the skin and press the plunger, just like when making a regular injection. At first glance, the size of the needle may seem scary to you. Don’t worry – cat chip is not more painful than the standard vaccination.

Before starting the procedure, it is important to know that there are different types of microprocessors. If you plan to travel with your pet, it is worth investing in a chip that meets ISO standards. The main point here is to choose equipment that will be compatible with scanners used by border authorities.

Chip for a cat – construction

The construction of the microprocessor is relatively simple – integrated circuit and antenna. The outer layer is a special protective capsule. Of course, it is biologically compatible with the animal’s body and does not affect its health in any way. Inside this modern device there is an identification number consisting of 15 digits. To read it, you need a special scanner. The chip for a cat is tiny – similar in shape and size to a single grain of rice.

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The device is activated by radio waves emitted by the scanner. Cat chips don’t need any external power source. They work efficiently and continuously for several years, i.e. for the rest of your cat’s life.

As a concerned owner of a pet, you are surely asking yourself – is cat chip safe? The outer shell of the microchip is made of hypoallergenic, biocompatible glass. The Parylene C anti-migration layer protects the device from all substances inside the animal’s body. Thanks to it, no liquids or microorganisms are able to get inside the chip and vice versa – nothing from this device will penetrate into the cat’s body. This is not only for safety, but also for operational reliability.

Chips for cats – action

Chipping a cat does not involve equipping it with a GPS locator. This is a misconception of many people. GPS requires its own power source to function and the battery needs regular charging. It is impossible to reduce and improve this system so that it has practical application under the animal’s skin. Nevertheless, it is very practical to chip a cat, even in typical domestic cats.

Cat Chips do not contain any specific information about a pet or its owners. The microprocessor only has the aforementioned 15-digit number. It should be entered into the registry – an online database of chipped animals and their owners. There are several of them, but the best will be the so-called EPN, the European Pet Network.

EPN is the largest international database. If necessary, it can help find the owner, even if the animal has been found outside its country of residence. You can register yourself there, even if your vet hasn’t done so. It’s a good idea to enter your pet’s identification number on your cat’s health record, passport and pedigree.

Numeric identification code

The 15-digit identification code is already an international standard for tagging cats. This is a unique combination that only your pet is associated with. The construction of this code is as follows:

  • first 3 digits – shared code (900), country code (e.g. 616) or producer code (9XX);
  • the next 3 digits – the manufacturer’s code or the beginning of the number pool;
  • the last 9 – the unique number of the given microchip.

Unfortunately, Poland does not have its own unique country code.

Cat chip chip – why is it needed?

The so often underestimated cat chip is often the only way to find a missing pet. Unlike a collar, the chip cannot be lost or removed. You can identify an animal regardless of the circumstances – theft, loss. It is especially important to chip the outgoing cats.

However, this is no less important for domestic cats. There is always a risk of sneaking through an open window, balcony or door. Even typical cats who do not go out sometimes leave the apartment – for a walk with the owner or to the vet. Usually nothing happens and the owners downplay the need for chipboarding. However, a moment of inattention is enough for the cat to be lost forever.

The shelters are overcrowded with animals that have been lost to their owners. The reasons for this may be different. Sometimes they are taken by passers-by in good faith and in the belief that they are saving a stray cat from the street. Chipping a cat is an important part of the fight against homelessness and the abandonment of unwanted animals. This is the best way to identify both the cat and its owner.

Cat chip – price

In Poland, chipping a cat is not obligatory. Many owners decide to do this on their own, especially in the case of purebred cats. However, it is still a rather unpopular practice among Poles – and wrongly so. The cat chip brings great benefits and it is worth investing in it immediately after purchasing the pet.

What is the price of a cat chip? It is a one-time procedure that costs several dozen zlotys – the exact cost depends on the specific clinic and its location. The price of a cat chip is usually around PLN 40-80. In some cities, you may encounter free animal chip campaigns. It is worth taking an interest in it.

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Chipping a cat – you have to remember about that

The chip itself is not enough. In Poland, there is no unified system for the identification of domestic animals. There are several different national and local databases. If you register your pet in a small database, an unexpected problem may arise – it will be impossible to find him in another area of ​​Poland or outside the country.

Be sure to ask the vet who chipped the cat to which databases they enter your contact details. Demand to be entered into national systems or preferably to Europetnet. In some cases, registration is payable, but the cost is low and often one-off. After all, it’s about your cat’s safety.

An important aspect is also regular checking of the chip’s functionality. The veterinarian should read the chip immediately after insertion. Then, in the event of damage or incorrect positioning of the device, you can react immediately. At subsequent check-ups or vaccinations, ask your vet to check the operation of the chip. There is a slight possibility of damage, movement, or loss of the device. However, it is worth checking regularly that everything is fine in this matter.
Chipping a cat is a completely safe and practically painless procedure. There are no health contraindications for its implementation. It is best to start it immediately after adopting the pet. Remember that the cat chip itself is not everything – you need to put the data in a national or European database. Only in this way will you be able to locate your pet from anywhere. Chipping cats is the most effective way to fight pet homelessness.