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Cat bowls: the best of 2023

Let’s find out together the best bowls for cats.

© Impact Photography / Shutterstock


Anna Paola Bellini

Posted on updated the

Cats are very clean animals who care about their hygiene and habits. This is why it is important to choose the right ones cat bowls easy to clean. They will be used for water and food, so you need to buy at least two.

Choose models that are easy to clean, without rough edges and with a non-slip base. Ceramics, stainless steel, plastics… they are commercially available in a large variety of materials, all with their own advantages.

You also need to make a choice based on resistance: the more they resist scratches, the better! Is Kitty coming home? There’s no more time to waste: create a small dining area for your cat with cute, practical and elegant bowls. Check out the fun types we have listed for you in this comparison.

What material is best for cat bowls?

There are various types of cat bowls and it’s not always easy to choose. Here are some tips.

Choose one round bowl no hard-to-clean corners and also make sure it’s dishwasher safe, to make your life easier.

Choose a model that is stable and that it doesn’t spill, even if Micio is very playful. Also, if the bowl has a non-slip base it will be even better.

There are also bowls equipped with scales, very useful if you want to weigh all meals to the gram (practical solution if the cat is overweight).

Kitty tends to eat too fast? This will certainly give him a stomach ache! To avoid digestive problems, do not hesitate to choose an electronic food dispenser.

It’s also possible to find raised bowls for cats that have trouble lowering themselves to eat.
Furthermore, you can also choose a double bowl to separate food and water, or kibble and food.

If you want the cat to play even when he eats, choose a toy that distributes kibbles that will force him to take one kibble at a time, instead of eating everything at once.

How many bowls does the cat need?

Cats are very clean animals who like to eat in well-cleaned bowls, which is why it is important to buy at least one bowl for the water and one for the croquettes. You can also buy a third bowl to use for wet food.

If you don’t have much space to set up your furry friend’s feeding area, they are available too double bowls.

Where to put the cat bowls?

Since cats love their small habits and spaces, it is advisable to place the cat’s bowl in its own corner. He must feel comfortable in order to eat peacefully.

Be careful not to put the bowl in the same room as his litter box: cats attach great importance to their hygiene and hate being near their urine or excrement.

Why do cats eat out of bowls?

If the cat refuses to eat from the bowl, it could be because it doesn’t like where it is: try moving it to a different place to see if that changes its behaviour.

His bowl may not even be clean enough. Even if you clean her every day, the smell of used soap may not be to her liking. Don’t hesitate to change the cleaning system to see if it is more satisfying for your pampered furry friend.

If you have an older cat, he probably suffers from arthritis and bending his head towards the bowl hurts his joints. In this case, opt for one raised cat bowl!

How to wash cat bowls?

It’s important to clean your cat’s bowl everyday. Make it a habit to do this in the evening, after your cat has finished eating, to avoid disturbing him.

Since cat food contains a lot of protein, it is necessary to rinse first the bowls in cold water. Rinsing under hot water could cause the proteins at the bottom of the bowl to cook into a hard, clear film, which is a breeding ground for bacteria.

After rinsing with cold water, you can place the bowls in the dishwasher or wash them in warm soapy water.

Why is the cat scratching in the bowl?

If you see your cat scratching around the food bowl, don’t worry, this is normal behavior for all healthy cats.

By scratching the food bowl and the floor, cats deposit pheromones that allow them to mark their territory. By depositing these pheromones with their paws, their purpose is to prevent any “rivals” from approaching their food.

So if your cat is scratching around his bowl, it’s not to try to bury his food. It is a primal instinct to signal the boundaries of its territory to all other cats. When your furball rubs its head against you or claws at furniture in your home, it’s for the same reason!

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