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Can you find the cat hidden in the Christmas tree within 20 seconds?


Find the hidden feline in the Christmas tree!

© Twitter @ALLI_doiswin3


Ilenia Colombo

Posted on

Natale is upon us and there are many houses all over the world decorated for the holidays: Christmas decorations, gifts, Christmas trees, nativity scenes…

However, those who have a pet at home have to deal not only with all the dangers of Christmas for their four-legged friends but also with unexpected puzzles to solve like the one we present to you today!

Christmas challenge

Alli McDonald, the owner of a cute and irreverent tabby cat, posted a photo of her feline friend on her Twitter account camouflaged among the Christmas tree decorations.

The woman challenged her followers to participate in the game of “find the hidden cat” Christmas version.

«Well guys, let’s play a game: every morning we find my cat in a different place on our Christmas tree and take a picture. Take a screenshot when you find it!» writes Alli McDonald in the description of the post.

The post generated thousands of likes and nearly 700 responses from users who played the game and others who shared similar Christmas photos with their pets.

Find the cat in the Christmas tree

Try to find the cat too: look carefully at every detail in the following image:

Did you find the feline?

The solution to the puzzle

If all these decorations have made you dizzy and prevented you from locating the four-legged rascal hidden in the Christmas tree, we are here to give you the solution!

That’s where the kitten was hiding! ©Twitter @ALLI_doiswin3

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