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Can Dogs Eat Pomegranate?

The pomegranate tree abounds in Italian gardens: it is small in size, adapts well and resists different climates. And in addition, with little care it gives its round and juicy fruits, the pomegranates, also called pomegranates.

They are so inviting that even Fido might be intrigued to play with them or even taste them: at that point he will discover that it also tastes good! But will he be safe for his health? Let’s find out if dogs can eat pomegranate or it hurts!

Properties of pomegranate

Autumn is the season in which the pomegranates, fruits already renowned and widespread in ancient times for their amazing beneficial properties. The word pomegranate comes from the Latin, and literally means “apple with seeds”. This fruit, with its fascinating deep pink shades, is not only good but is also highly appreciated as a decorative element.

The pomegranate contains numerous nutritional elements important for the diet and the body, such as:

  • vitamins, especially A and C;
  • antioxidantsuseful for counteracting cellular aging;
  • fiber, to aid digestion;
  • mineral salts, such as calcium and phosphorus;
  • water, to promote hydration.

In addition to being a natural supplement, pomegranate is a fruit free of lactose, gluten or histamine and for this reason it is considered hypoallergenic.

But not all foods that are suitable for us humans are also suitable for dogs. So can dogs eat pomegranate?

Can Dogs Eat Pomegranates?

Give pomegranate to dogs it is not recommended: although the dog is now considered an omnivore like man, it has a different metabolism, as well as a lower weight. For this reason, it cannot tolerate some foods that humans digest easily.

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The pomegranate as a fruit, could represent a food supplement useful to integrate the body of Fido, but administered fresco it can give rise to contraindications.

Is pomegranate bad for dogs?

The pomegranate is not toxic to the dog, so if he has eaten a small part of it, or you want to make him taste a few grains (commensurate with the weight of the dog) nothing serious can happen, but it would be better to avoid that Fido ate the pomegranate.

  • A few grains too many could lead to diarrhea
  • The ingestion of pieces containing the peel, or in any case too large, could cause vomiting or in the worst case, an intestinal blockage of the dog

Here’s why you should be careful about giving pomegranate to your dog:

High amount of fiber

With its 4 g of fiber per 100 g of pomegranate, the fruit is excellent laxative for humans, but can have a negative effect in dogs. In fact, fiber abounds not only in the wooden peel, but also in the grains (or arils), therefore giving pomegranate to the dog could result in temporary intestinal disturbances, but in any case not recommended.

The effect of tannins

I tannins they are contained in the lignin of plants and are found in numerous fruits of common consumption. These substances can cause adverse intestinal reactions in some canine subjects.

The pomegranate is not the only fruit that contains them: grapes, among all, are famous for their content in flavonoids and tannins, and for this and other reasons, they must not be given to dogs.

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The peel is dangerous

Not only is it rich in lignin and therefore not digestible for the dog, but the stiff and hard skin, as well as the ingestion of too many seeds all together, increase the risk of suffocation and intestinal obstruction of the dog.

Croquettes for dogs with pomegranate

As we have seen, giving fresh pomegranate to dogs is not recommended, yet there are formulations of pomegranate treats for dogs. How is it possible? The main problem with this fruit is the wooden and fibrous part.

Therefore a pomegranate extractcombined with proteins of animal origin (such as lamb meat for example) is able to make available only the beneficial properties of pomegranate.

There are many foods that when fresh are not suitable for dogs, but thanks to food transformation processes it is possible to exploit only the beneficial part, as in the case of green mussels for dogs.

If your friend has eaten some pomegranate, but does not show symptoms of discomfort, rest assured: monitor his feces for any anomalies, and for any doubts do not hesitate to contact your trusted veterinarian!