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Can cats eat potato chips in bags?

Curious as they are, cats can approach their nose to foods that are not exactly suitable for them.

Today we will find out if cats can eat potato chips in bags or hurt them.

Can cats eat potato chips in bags?

The answer is very simple: no, cats can’t eat chips in bags. What’s not so good for our stomachs is even worse for our pets.

I grassithe spices and the sale they can alter the digestive system and the balance of nutrients of the cat.

For example, a cat can eat a maximum of 40 milligrams of salt per day. But 100 grams of chips already contain 1.3 grams of salt!

Some foods forbidden to cats. ©Todocat

Are potato chips poisonous to cats?

Chips in bags are not poisonous to cats. However, eating them shouldn’t become a habit.

Always remember: the dose makes the poison!

If your cat has ingested some chips, don’t panic. With a one-time consumption of a few chips, Micio won’t risk his life.

I many saturated fatty acids contained in chips are already a trigger of high cholesterol levels or heart disease when consumed regularly.

For cats, the consequences are much more serious. If your feline friend has ingested too much saltin the worst case it can lead to a coma.

Why does my cat eat chips?

One reason for this preference could be one salt deficiency. Today’s canned food sometimes doesn’t contain all the important nutrients. To prevent this deficiency, it is recommended that a blood count be performed by the vet once or twice a year.

Another reason could simply be the individual taste of the cat. The fries are full of aromas and therefore taste good to us. Cats can also be naturally attracted to this taste/smell. Many specimens also want to try something different from their daily food!

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What should I do if my cat eats chips?

As mentioned, a few chips are nothing to worry about at first. After the snack, however, the cat must be observed in any case. Depending on how much you have eaten or if this happens more often, they can occur stomach ailmentsjust like us, when we’ve eaten too much.

Due to the high salt content, it is important that the cat has access to fresh water, so that it can drink enough.

If the cat shows no signs of pain, everything is fine. He may also vomit due to an irritated bowel. In this case, the animal must be fed with a light diet for a few days to calm the gastrointestinal tract.

Cat Fries: Important Warning Signs

In principle, a visit to the vet is not necessary if a cat eats a few chips. However, if you notice your feline getting worse afterwards, that’s fine keep an eye on it.

Especially if there are signs of sodium poisoning, you have to react. These are:

If such symptoms occur, you should consult your veterinarian, who will take the necessary measures.