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Biologist sees a strange animal in a natural park. A new species?

Something special happened on January 8, 2022: Rainer Schultzil biologist of the Wadden Sea National Park in northern Germany made an incredible encounter.

During his inspection tour in the park, while patrolling the area, he noticed unusual movement on the seashore, in the tall grass.

An unidentified dark animal

Schulz explains in an interview with NDR Schleswig-Holstein:

“Between the Böhler bathing area and the Eider estuary, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the tall grass. At first I thought it might be a raccoon dog because it was dark in color.”

It turned out later that it was instead of Moritza little dog of 15 yearsa cross between a Jack Russell and a Pekingese that resisted in that place full of mud for several days, enduring all sorts of bad weather: rain, frost and even a tide!

But what was Moritz doing there?

The animal was fled after that on New Years a firecracker it had exploded not far from its owners’ camper and had ended up finding shelter there, on the seashore.

When Schulz approached the dog he knew he needed it urgent help:

“Obviously it was frozen and in bad shape. But he was also so frightened that he absolutely didn’t want to follow me ».

Fortunately, the man found a rope, tied him up and took him to the police, who contacted the veterinarian local, who was able to clarify the situation.

“He already knew this dog was wanted,” Schulz says. The owners of little Moritz «were delighted, I spoke briefly with them».

Of course they came immediately to resume their beloved four-legged friend in their arms happy to have him back with them. Perhaps less happy was the biologist who thought he had made a very important naturalistic discovery!

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Read also: Tosano a «strange animal»: that’s who was hiding underneath! (Photo)