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Barabanda – what should you know before buying this parrot?

Barabandas are a sparsely distributed species of parrots. Like most representatives of this order, they are sociable, not very problematic and not afraid of man. The shield princess – as the full name of the species sounds – is no exception. She attracts with a gentle nature, which makes her a good companion in every home. You only need to provide enough space for it, as we write more about later in this article. Barabanda is a long-lived bird, as it can reach 20 years of age in captivity. It is worth taking this into account when buying, because it is a commitment for many years. Before you make up your mind, get to know this Australian parrot!

Where do barabandas live in freedom?

Most parrots come from places with a warm climate. They are favored by high temperatures and high humidity. However, in most cases, these birds also tolerate the Polish cold weather, characteristic of a temperate climate. Barabanda is a species that grows in the wild in south-eastern Australia. Most often she can be found in New South Wales and Victoria. Parrots live there in wooded areas, because they most often live and make nests in hollows. They feel best among tall tree crowns, although some specimens also live in areas where people appear.

Barabanda parrot – description of the distinctive features of the appearance

There are parrot species where it is very difficult to distinguish between the sexes, but barabanda is not one of them. Females are colored almost exclusively green. Males have distinct variations – their forehead and cheek area are always yellow, and there is a red ring at the bottom of the neck under the beak. The beak is always red, regardless of gender. The tail, which is half the length of the body, is green on top. Occasionally it has a blend of blue, and you can also see black on the underside. The length of the birds, including the tail, is usually around 40 centimeters.

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Barabanda – a parrot that needs a lot of space

Barabanda may not be the largest species of parrot, but it definitely needs a lot of space. You can keep her in a cage, but then the room should be at least 1.5 meters long, wide and high. However, this bird will feel best in the aviary. Such a large space will provide him with enough space to fly freely. It should be noted here that this is an extremely active and willing to fly species of parrots. It will not destroy the wooden elements of the structure, but it can fall on branches or other elements of the environment. So you need to remember not to overload the bird room, but only provide as many branches as necessary.

Barabandas – breeding and reproduction of birds

The breeding of birds of this species is not too difficult, but you need to give them peace of mind. During the breeding season, males become overwhelmed with partners, show off in front of them, jumping from branch to branch and singing with characteristic head movements. Barabanda lays eggs usually in specially prepared booths. The best ones will be those with a height of 60 centimeters and a square base with a side of 25 centimeters. Chicks – usually five of them – hatch quite quickly, after less than 3 weeks of incubation. They leave the nest about 40 days after they are born and are then quite skittish. In such a case, it is worth being very careful and not scaring off the young.

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What should barabanda be fed with?

Barabanda is a bird that cannot be called picky. You can buy them well-balanced parrot food from a pet store, which most often includes millet, canary, oats and traces of hemp. You will also be able to enrich your diet as you wish. Birds will be happy to eat:

  • sunflower seeds;
  • mountain ash;
  • apples;
  • soaked biscuits.

It is worth diversifying the bird’s diet with twigs. You can also feed parrots with boiled rice and porridge, and occasionally give them lime cubes or egg shells. If in doubt about specific ingredients, it is best to visit a vet who will advise you on what is best to give your pets.

Barabanda parrot – a species under protection

The birds we are writing about, living in the wild, are considered to be rare species. Since 1994, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature considered them even endangered. Fortunately, the population has recovered and has been the species of Least Concern since 2012. This means that the birds are no longer directly threatened with extinction and their numbers are kept at a safe level. Barabanda is considered to be a species with increasing numbers. Their population is estimated at at least 10,000 individuals, and some estimates even say more than 20,000 adult birds.

Barabanda parrot – the price of one bird

Baraband parrots are quite rare species, therefore their prices are not the lowest. Nevertheless, the cost is much lower than that of purebred cats or dogs. On average, you have to pay a minimum of PLN 200 for a barabanda. However, there are also offers exceeding PLN 500. You can pay 650 or even 800 zlotys. It is important not to pay attention to extremely low prices, i.e. below PLN 150. The birds may then come from the wrong place, where breeders are concerned only with making the most profit possible, and not with the right conditions for the animals. By supporting such activities, you harm the welfare of parrots.

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Barabanda is a unique species of parrot with uncomplicated needs. The most important requirement in this case is a sufficiently large space to fly, as these birds are very active. If you’re looking to buy a barabande, male or female may not be cheap birds, but beware of suspiciously low offers.